Fastest Solution on the market! Supports Multi-pass VR Supports Single-pass instanced or Multiview VR(Oculus devices) Supports Single-pass VR This package consists of two shaders for applying the blur on the screen. This solution is currently the fastest blur I the market. Both of the shaders were tested on a low-end mobile device in the loaded scene in order to optimize the performance and fps.
2022-04-10 19:04:34 6.07MB vr ar unity 游戏引擎
1、对观测数据进行中心化,; 2、使它的均值为0,对数据进行白化—>Z; 3、选择需要估计的分量的个数m,设置迭代次数p<-1; 4、选择一个初始权矢量(随机的W,使其维数为Z的行向量个数); 5、利用迭代W(i,p)=mean(z(i,:).*(tanh((temp)'*z)))-(mean(1-(tanh((temp))'*z).^2)).*temp(i,1)来学习W (这个公式是用来逼近负熵的) 6、用对称正交法处理下W 7、归一化W(:,p)=W(:,p)/norm(W(:,p)); 8、若W不收敛,返回第5步 9、令p=p+1,若p小于等于m,返回第4步 剩下的应该都能看懂了 基本就是基于负熵最大的快速独立分量分析算法
2022-04-09 16:04:32 1KB 盲源分离哦
FastReport Vcl 5.3.13 支持二维码,本人正在使用的控件,有详细的安装说明。
2022-04-08 17:11:42 12.92MB Fast D7
该脚本基于 Hansen (1985) 论文实现了快速 Hankel 变换。 该算法首先对信号应用 Abel 变换,然后应用 FFT。 对于实数输入信号,输出也是实数。 它对于模拟光传播和其他应用非常有用。
2022-04-08 12:58:58 2KB matlab
2022-04-06 21:19:08 19.69MB 计算电磁学
一文读懂目标检测:R-CNN、Fast R-CNN、Faster R-CNN、YOLO、SSD。传统的目标检测算法、候选区域/窗 + 深度学习分类
2022-04-06 21:17:48 88KB 目标检测
Shadows are very important aspects in 3D space. However, shadow rendering is GPU intensive process. Fast Shadow Receiver makes shadow rendering much faster by minimizing the area where shadows are drawn. This is the real solution to the shadow performance problem on low-end mobile devices. - Lightmaps and Shadowmasks are available in Projector materials (example: Blob Shadow Projector with mixed lighting) (Version 1.5.0)
2022-04-06 15:05:55 11.98MB unity3d
yolo fast模型最小化参数模型文件
2022-04-06 03:11:18 410KB yolofast tmfile文件
Mobile Fast Shadow for unity , v1.0.6 unity高效率阴影 shader着色器
2022-04-06 03:05:56 18.82MB unity fast shadow shader
2022-04-06 02:33:32 7.89MB IOS 源码 毕业设计 论文