专注于讲解 HLSL 的书籍,重点在 HLSL 以及源码,关于 DirectX 的篇幅很少
2021-09-13 16:55:03 45.62MB HLSL
投影矩阵的教程 Introduction Projective texture mapping is a method of texture mapping described by Segal [3] that allows the texture image to be projected onto the scene as if by a slide projector. Figure 1 shows some example screen shots from the projspot demo, available in the NVIDIA OpenGL SDK. Projective texture mapping is useful in a variety of lighting techniques, including shadow mapping [4]. This document provides some background and describes the steps involved in projective texture mapping in OpenGL. Projective texture mapping refers both to the way texture coordinates are assigned to vertices, and the way they are computed during rasterization of primitives. We usually think of texture mapping as “the application of a texture image to a primitive,” and while it certainly is that – there is more math going on than most folks think. If you have ever written your own rasterizer with support for mipmap filtered, perspective-correct, projective texture mapping, you no doubt became aware of the many subtle issues involved. We will begin by discussing the way that texture coordinates are computed during rasterization, and then we will discuss methods for assigning the texture coordinates to the vertices. We do not discuss filtering here, but there is a paper on Anisotropic Filtering at the NVIDIA developer web site that provides a good introduction to that topic. Figure 1.
2021-09-10 17:44:26 333KB shader render hlsl dx
hlsl2glsl hlsl转换为glsl图形化工具hlsl2glsl hlsl转换为glsl图形化工具
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2021-08-12 13:04:23 4.22MB DirextX编程 C++
本文件介绍了hlsl语法基础 适合搞虚拟现实的初学者 建议入门使用
2021-07-22 23:02:32 1.83MB hlsl 语法基础
支持cg hlsl glsl 三种shader language,国内这种资源真的好匮乏呀~~~ 需要visual studio 2008环境。
2021-07-03 19:43:45 168KB cg hlsl glsl gpu
有关shader学习的HLSL语言,大家参考一下,呵呵 有关shader学习的HLSL语言,大家参考一下,呵呵
2021-05-12 13:04:33 1.41MB HLSL shader XNA
2021-05-06 20:20:17 564KB HSL 初步
2021-04-26 23:36:32 609.44MB HLSL
2021-04-11 22:49:32 1.82MB HLSL shader XNA