源码简介与安装说明: f-render 是基于 vue-ele-form 开发的可视化表单设计工具, 适用于 各种流程引擎和动态表单项目,大大节省你的开发时间;注意,此设计器不是独立存在的,是依托于 vue-ele-form,在使用前请务必阅读 vue-ele-form 的文档。 特性: 组件方式:以组件方式接入,1 分钟轻松接入; 体积小:Gzip 压缩后 100k 左右; 易扩展:可以在不更改源码的情况下增删改属性、组件;
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2022-04-19 18:07:58 73.68MB windows render RenderDoc
2022-04-15 11:45:35 1.58MB Unity Graphi Shader Render
通用着色器示例 该项目包含的着色器示例集合。 要求: Unity 2019.3.9f1或更高版本 UniversalRP 7.3.1或更高版本 您需要才能下载大型资产文件。 大多数Git客户端UI都支持git-lfs。 如何使用这个例子 克隆存储库。 您必须启用git-lfs。 在Unity中加载。 示例位于_ExampleScenes文件夹中。 每个场景都包含一个与着色器和材质捆绑在一起的不同示例。 该项目中的例子 未点燃的例子 除第一个以外的所有未着色着色器示例均支持实时阴影(投射和接收)。 01 UnlitTexture 基本的“ hello world”着色器。 02 Unli
2022-04-04 13:29:19 8.13MB unity shaders hlsl urp
2022-01-08 09:56:02 6KB Unity Render
URP_ShaderGraphCustomLighting:用于Shader Graph,Universal Render Pipeline的一些自定义照明功能子图
2022-01-04 14:31:16 45KB unity lighting urp custom-lighting
real-time rendering4th 高清免解压优质资源百度网盘下载绝对高清版本
2021-11-19 21:30:24 134B rtr4 realtime rendering render
《Using a Render Pipeline to Render Primitives 使用渲染管道去渲染一个几何体(本例为渲染一个三角形)》一文的示例程序,可以对照文章学习。“可以”直接运行。
2021-10-14 16:16:09 505KB xcode metal render
2021-09-29 15:12:38 22.64MB wpf Render.Core slimdx
投影矩阵的教程 Introduction Projective texture mapping is a method of texture mapping described by Segal [3] that allows the texture image to be projected onto the scene as if by a slide projector. Figure 1 shows some example screen shots from the projspot demo, available in the NVIDIA OpenGL SDK. Projective texture mapping is useful in a variety of lighting techniques, including shadow mapping [4]. This document provides some background and describes the steps involved in projective texture mapping in OpenGL. Projective texture mapping refers both to the way texture coordinates are assigned to vertices, and the way they are computed during rasterization of primitives. We usually think of texture mapping as “the application of a texture image to a primitive,” and while it certainly is that – there is more math going on than most folks think. If you have ever written your own rasterizer with support for mipmap filtered, perspective-correct, projective texture mapping, you no doubt became aware of the many subtle issues involved. We will begin by discussing the way that texture coordinates are computed during rasterization, and then we will discuss methods for assigning the texture coordinates to the vertices. We do not discuss filtering here, but there is a paper on Anisotropic Filtering at the NVIDIA developer web site that provides a good introduction to that topic. Figure 1.
2021-09-10 17:44:26 333KB shader render hlsl dx