Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing.pdf+Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing.ppt
2021-08-07 17:16:16 833KB Identity Based Encryption
2017 A Maximal Clique Based Multiobjective Evolutionary algorithm for overlapping community detection 论文PPT讲解
2021-08-06 22:15:29 2.13MB 社区检测
一篇经典的混沌论文,以及论文中所涉及的仿真 ,包括相轨迹、随参数变化的平衡点的数量及稳定性分析、分岔图、李雅普诺夫指数、等MATLAB仿真程序;
2021-08-06 17:03:18 10.46MB MATLAB混沌
基于模式的 json 编辑器 特征 reactjs 组件 Vue 组件 常见模式字段:标题、描述、默认、只读、$ref、propertyOrder、requiredWhen、optionalWhen、className、propertyName 对象架构字段:属性、必需、maxProperties、minProperties、折叠 数组架构字段:items、minItems、uniqueItems、enum、enumTitles、format('select2') 数字和整数模式字段:minimum、exclusiveMinimum、maximum、exclusiveMaximum、enum、multipleOf、enumTitles、format('select' | 'radiobox') 字符串模式字段: format('textarea' | 'color' | 'date'
2021-08-05 16:04:19 208KB TypeScript
Web-Based Interactive VR-CAD System for Conceptual Design and Analysis.pdf
2021-08-05 09:05:50 354KB CAD 技术应用 建模分析 参考文献
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
2021-08-04 22:00:25 2.59MB Gaspipelinelea
Note: SSD300* and SSD512* are the latest models. Current code should reproduce these results.
2021-08-04 13:21:38 93.2MB SSD
2020年nips model-based reinforcement learning相关论文集合
2021-08-03 17:09:56 17.32MB RL MBRL model-based 强化学习论文
2021-08-03 13:08:34 494KB 温度补偿 GA_BP
Systems and enterprises (often referred to as systems-of-systems) that employ multiple advanced technologies and achieve ever-higher levels of complexity have become mainstays of the modern world. Managing the complexity of these systems, especially to create solutions to the needs of system users and other stakeholders within acceptable cost and schedule, is a recurring challenge to the Systems Engineering (SE) community. Spectacular progress in mechanical and electronic devices, materials, sensors, energy generation and control, vehicles and propulsion, communications and networking, computing and software, and many other fields creates both new capabilities and new demands for tools and methods to effectively exploit them. Communities as diverse as the sciences, commercial enterprises, education, government, academia, and the military frequently report that programs aimed at delivering new capabilities based on advanced technology have overrun their budgets and schedules, failed to meet their objectives, or simply overwhelmed the capabilities of system developers and users.
2021-07-29 17:56:04 12.76MB 模型驱动工程 高清文字版 书签