matlab通信工具箱开发zynq SDR说明书,入门必备
2021-08-20 01:30:20 7.54MB matlab zynq SDR
提出了基于”迁移学习+少数磁盘故障预测”的TLDFP模型。 主要采用了TrAdaBoost(权重调整的迁移学习方法)的思想。 作者 张霁 华中科技大学博士 可免费下载。
2021-08-18 22:21:30 2.43MB 迁移学习 TLDFP TrAdaBoost 异常检测
2021-08-18 09:12:40 2.75MB 顶会论文
TCP-IP Essentials - A Lab-Based Approach
2021-08-18 00:38:08 1.13MB TCP-IP Essentials - A
SUMMARY This paper mainly discusses the time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) estimation problem of digital modulation signal under impulsive noise and cochannel interference environment. Since the conventional TDOA estimation algorithms based on the second-order cyclic statistics degenerated severely in impulsive noise and the TDOA estimation algorithms based on correntropy are out of work in cochannel interference, a novel robust signal-selective algorithm based on the generalized cyclic correntropy is proposed, which can suppress both impulsive noise and cochannel interference. Theoretical derivation and simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm. key words: Alpha-stable distribution, impulsive noise, Cyclic correntropy,TDOA, Cochannel interference.
2021-08-14 19:36:16 1.5MB key words: A
William T. Freeman, Thouis R. Jones, and Egon C. Pasztor Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs
2021-08-12 18:39:06 3.78MB Example-based
非常知名的一款Unity3d 天气系统插件
2021-08-09 22:04:25 31.63MB 天气系统插件 Unity3d
基于图像绘制的 Image-Based Rendering Shum, Heung-Yeung, Chan, Shing-Chow, Kang, Sing Bing 2007, XX, 408 p. 95 illus., Hardcover 来自 (如果侵犯了您的利益,请通知本人,马上删除) 此链接上有下载,但是是分章节下载的,且没有书签。 我合并了一下,并添加了比较全面的书签。 全书包括下面的7个文件 front-matter.pdf --- 本文件 Chap1 Introduction.pdf PartI Representations and Rendering Techniques.pdf Part II Sampling.pdf Part III Compression.pdf Part IV Systems and Applications.pdf back-matter.pdf
2021-08-09 10:05:02 489KB "image-based rendering" "Heung-Yeung
ICAO Doc.9995
2021-08-08 18:01:48 34.73MB ICAO
Bolt-on Differential Privacy for Scalable Stochastic Gradient Descent-based Analytics 文章梳理的ppt
2021-08-08 17:06:20 1.27MB differential SGD