2024-07-06 17:13:41 6.7MB
2024-06-28 10:50:57 16KB game network
:globe_showing_Americas: 世界日游戏2019 :party_popper: :page_facing_up: 介绍 :busts_in_silhouette: 我们是国际社会的一部分 :globe_with_meridians: ! 该网络项目介绍了五个主要的世界日,并提供了有关该日的各种媒体信息。 之所以将其制作为游戏,是因为仅通过提供信息就很难吸引所有年龄段的注意力。 完成:2019年11月 制作时间:2个月 使用组件:HTML,Css,JavaScript 目的:为了引起人们对世界日的兴趣并将其用于教育目的,创建了一个以此主题为主题的简单迷宫游戏。 通过视觉材料和图片,孩子们也很容易享受。 :joystick: 游戏规则 :computer_mouse: 请准备鼠标。 使用鼠标指针避开迷宫方块,并获取地图中的所有物品,然后到达终点方块。 单独的端块具有不同的颜色。 :red_exclamation_mark: 游戏何时结束? 您的鼠标指针触及该块。 您的鼠标指针离开了带有白色背景的迷宫区域。 未能获得舞台上的所有物品。 系统错误。
2024-05-22 11:05:25 53.16MB community web-app game-development society
2024-05-16 20:58:15 175.74MB apple game
Create a fully featured application that’s both sophisticated and engaging. This book provides a detailed guide in developing augmented reality games that can take advantage of the advanced capabilities of new iOS devices and code while also offering compatibility with still supported legacy devices. No programming experience is necessary as this book begins on the ground floor with basic programming concepts in Unity and builds to incorporating input from the real world to create interactive realities. You’ll learn to program with the Unity 2017 development platform using C#. Recent announcements of increased AR capabilities on the latest iPhones and iPads show a clear dedication on Apple’s part to this emerging market of immersive games and apps. Unity 2017 is the latest version of this industry leading development platform and C# is a ubiquitous programming language perfect for any programmer to begin with. Using the latest development technologies, Beginning iOS AR Game Development will show you how to program games that interact directly with the real world environment around the user for creative fantastic augmented reality experiences.
2024-05-16 20:56:51 4.52MB ios game
Key Features Get into the Augmented Reality (AR) bandwagon by creating a Pokemon Go like game from scratch Use the latest Unity 5.X VR SDK and create pro-level AR games Innovate and explore the latest and most promising trend of AR gaming in the mobile gaming industry Book Description Have you been bitten by the Pokemon Go bug yet? If yes, then this is the right book for you. Location-based AR games have been around for a few years. They have struggled to gain popularity until just recently with the monumental release of Pokemon Go. Now, with the explosive popularity of the genre, novice and experienced developers alike will be rushing to publish an app that will be the next trend in mobile games. If you are keen on developing a VR game with the latest Unity 5.X toolkit, then this is the right book for you. The genre of location-based AR games introduces a new platform and technical challenges. This book will simplify those challenges and broaden the appeal of the genre to even casual novice game developers. In this book, you will go on a journey through building a fictional location-based AR game that addresses the core technical concepts such as: GIS fundamentals, mobile device GPS, mapping, map textures in Unity, mobile device camera, camera textures in Unity, accessing location-based services and several other general useful Unity tips. Rounding out, the technical material will open a discussion of further development that will present a multiplayer version of the game. At the end, you will be presented with troubleshooting techniques in case you get into trouble and need a little help. What you will learn Build a location-based AR game called Foodie Go Animate a players avatar around a map Use the mobile device's camera as a game background Implement database persistence with SQLLite4Unity3D to persist inventory items across game sessions Create basic UI elements for the game, inventory, menu, and settings Perform location and content searches against the Google Places API Enhance the game's mood by adding visual shader effects Extend the game by adding multiplayer networking and other general enhancements to the game Table of Contents Chapter 1. Getting Started Chapter 2. Mapping the Player's Location Chapter 3. Making the Avatar Chapter 4. Spawning the Catch Chapter 5. Catching the Prey in AR Chapter 6. Storing the Catch Chapter 7. Creating the AR World Chapter 8. Interacting with an AR World Chapter 9. Finishing the Game Chapter 10. Troubleshooting
2024-05-16 20:55:21 9.48MB Augmented Reality
Beginning iOS AR Game Development:Developing Augmented Reality Apps with Unity and C# by Allan Fowler-November 24, 2018 Beginning iOS AR Game Development: Developing Augmented Reality Apps with Unity and C# by Allan Fowler Apress English 2018-11-19 244 pages Details Title: Beginning iOS AR Game Development: Developing Augmented Reality Apps with Unity and C# Author: Allan Fowler Length: 244 pages Edition: 1st ed. Language: English Publisher: Apress Publication Date: 2018-11-19 ISBN-10: 1484236173 ISBN-13: 9781484236178 Description Create a fully featured application that’s both sophisticated and engaging. This book provides a detailed guide in developing augmented reality games that can take advantage of the advanced capabilities of new iOS devices and code while also offering compatibility with still supported legacy devices. No programming experience is necessary as this book begins on the ground floor with basic programming concepts in Unity and builds to incorporating input from the real world to create interactive realities. You’ll learn to program with the Unity 2017 development platform using C#. Recent announcements of increased AR capabilities on the latest iPhones and iPads show a clear dedication on Apple’s part to this emerging market of immersive games and apps. Unity 2017 is the latest version of this industry leading development platform and C# is a ubiquitous programming language perfect for any programmer to begin with. Using the latest development technologies, Beginning iOS AR Game Development will show you how to program games that interact directly with the real world environment around the user for creative fantastic augmented reality experiences. What You'll Learn Download assets from the Unity store Create a scene in Unity 2017 Use physics and controls on mobile devices Who This Book Is For Beginner programmers and/or people new to developing games using Unity. It also serves as a great introduction to developing AR games and educators teaching the subject at high school or higher levels. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Getting Started Chapter 3: The Unity ARKit Chapter 4: Hit Testing and Lighting Chapter 5: Making AR Games Chapter 6: Introducing Touch Chapter 7: Adding Plane Detection and Point Clouds Chapter 8: Final Steps
2024-05-16 20:42:27 11.91MB VR AR Game ios
记忆游戏项目 目录 关联 从( )下载文件后,可以使用index.html访问游戏。 指示 一次单击两张卡片以查看它们是否匹配。 如果两张卡匹配,它们将保持打开状态。 如果两张卡不匹配,它们将向后翻转。 游戏一旦开始,计时器就会启动,并在2分钟后结束。 为了赢得比赛,用户必须在2分钟内匹配所有纸牌。 如果用户想以这些纸牌的不同顺序再次玩耍,请刷新页面。 如果用户想以与这些纸牌相同的顺序再次玩游戏,请单击页面上的刷新链接。 如果三秒之内没有找到至少三对匹配的卡片,则三分之二的星将每40秒减少一次。 依存关系 该游戏包含以下依赖项: 从( )下载文件后,可以使用index.html访问游戏。 贡献 将来可能需要对此游戏做出更多贡献,才能具有此游戏的其他功能。 捍卫项目记忆游戏
2024-05-13 22:32:41 9KB JavaScript
Fiid Match和Win Memory游戏 交互式前端开发中的Code Institute MS2项目 简介是要开发一个交互式的前端站点,以响应用户的操作,使他们能够主动与数据互动,改变站点显示信息的方式,以实现他们的首选目标。 该网站是出于教育目的而创建的。 内容 项目概况 爱尔兰B2C公司Fiid创建了渴望获得,方便的植物性食品。 他们希望进一步提高品牌知名度,增加客户获取量并保持品牌忠诚度。 他们希望通过创建一个定时的记忆游戏来推动销售,以使用户赢得下一次在线购买的折扣代码。 在时间用完之前,用户必须匹配每种产品类型中的两种。 如果他们成功了,他们可以订阅赚取折扣代码,该折扣代码对他们的下一次购买有效。 用户可以在社交媒体上与他们的关注者分享游戏。 目标受众是健康意识强的个人,尤其是喜欢游戏和折扣的18-35岁千禧一代。 Fiid主网站的主要目标是通知和指导用户下订单。 我想
2024-05-13 22:29:41 19.67MB HTML
JavaScript配对游戏 JavaScript配对游戏: 此存储库中包含两个文件。 “ js_Matching_Game.js”包含主要的javascript代码,而“ Matching_Game.html”包含该代码,以便在浏览器中显示游戏。 这些文件是在“ Coursera.org”的“ HTML,CSS和JavaScript”课程(香港科技大学:香港科技大学)的框架内创建的。 游戏说明: -您必须在左侧找到不包含在右侧的脸部。 -每次找到正确的面Kong时,两侧都会添加5张新面Kong。 -如果您单击错误的面Kong或页面的其他部分(而不是正确的面Kong),则会输掉游戏,并显示消息“游戏结束!”。 以及您经过的回合都会显示。
2024-05-13 22:24:50 14KB JavaScript