2021-04-18 21:17:55 2.24MB julia vc++ 着色
Requires Unity 5.6.0 or higher. RealToon v5.1.2 An AAA Anime/Toon Shader to make your characters & objects to look as close to real Anime/Cartoon. Toon/Cel shading shader. (For Games, Film/Animations & Illustrations/Arts) - It is Fully Multi-Lighting. Features: - Smooth Object Normal: *Smooth object normal for better or clean shading. - Self Shadow: *(Adjust Size/Threshold and Hardness without using any texture) - Normal Map: *(For more details) - FReflection: *(Use images/textures as reflection.) *(Can also adjust the size and position) *(This is not a matcap style reflection or cubemap.) - Outline: *(Can change the Color and Width) *(With noise/distort outline for sketch style outline and dynamic) *(You can choose to use outline or without outline "for less drawcalls"). - Gloss (Texture) (Custom Gloss): *(Use images/textures as gloss) *(Can choose to follow light position & object rotation.) - ShadowT (Texture): *(Gradient or Flat base shadow/shade.) - RealToon Refraction: *Anime/cartoon style glass, ice, liquid, etc. - Reduce Shadow: *Reduce real-time shadow of an object - material without affecting other parts of an object. - Fade Transparency with outline and transparent affects shadow. - Vertex color support for Outline, Self Shadow & Smooth Object Normal features. - Includes RealToon (Lite Version) shaders for mobile or lite type games. - Includes RealToon (Tessellation Version) shaders. - Includes RealToon (LWRP Version) (Unity 2018 with LWRP V4.0.0 to latest) - Includes effects like sobel outline. - More... Other Features - Use Directional Light and Point & Spot light or multiple lights at the same time without problem and maintaining that anime/cartoon style shadow color & brightness. - Fully color shadow and maintain light falloff. - Fog affect Outline. - Receive GI with Flat/Smooth shade & Skylight/Environment Light. - Do baked/real-time reflection. - Can use patterned textures for manga/comics like shadow. - Use it with or without
2021-04-18 16:06:21 72B 卡通 二次元 shader 着色器
中科院研究生院专业基础课 第一章 图的基本概念 图的基本概念;二部图及其性质;图的同构;关联矩阵与邻接矩阵。 路、圈与连通图;最短路问题。 树及其基本性质;生成树;最小生成树。 第二章 图的连通性 割点、割边和块;边连通与点连通;连通度;Whitney 定理;可靠通信网络的设计。 第三章 匹配问题 匹配与最大匹配;完美匹配;二部图的最大匹配;指派问题与最大权匹配。 第四章 欧拉图与哈密尔顿图 欧拉图;中国邮递员问题;哈密尔顿图;旅行商问题。 第五章 支配集、独立集、覆盖集与团 支配集、点独立集、点覆盖集、边覆盖集与团的概念及其求法。 第六章 图的着色问题 点着色;边着色;平面图;四色猜想;色多项式;色数的应用。 第七章 网络流理论 有向图;网络与网络流的基本概念;最大流最小割定理;求最大流的标号算法;最小费 用流问题;最小费用最大流;网络流理论的应用。
URP香椿着色器 介绍 基于URP的通用卡通着色器,使用URP标准的PBR模型(最低限度的CookTorrance BRDF)进行改造,纯代码实现,没有使用ShaderGraph,兼容SPR Batch。 基于URP的通用Toon着色器,在URP中使用PBR照明(极简主义CookTorrance BRDF),使用不带ShaderGraph的代码,兼容SPR Batch。 Unity 2020.2.0 +,URP 10.2.2+ 物产 SurfaceOptions 工作流程模式:镜面或金属 SurfaceType:不透明或透明 渲染面:正反两面(用于向前通过) Alpha裁剪:ClipMa
2021-04-06 17:29:57 8.38MB unity shader urp toon-shader
2021-04-06 10:21:39 7.66MB OpenGL
2021-04-03 21:04:01 875B 回溯法 图着色 C++
DeOldify - 基于深度学习对老照片自动着色与修复
2021-03-31 21:31:33 62KB Python开发-机器学习
2021-03-31 17:33:46 23.17MB 3D镂垫 OpenGL 着色器编程
点云着色c\c++实现,激光雷达摄像头融合 使用图像像素值给对应的点云着色。基于PCL点云库、OpenCV库、kitti数据集。
2021-03-23 17:27:09 16.2MB 点云着色 激光雷达 PCL kitti