RealToon 5.2.1 卡通动漫风格着色器.txt

上传者: 44117207 | 上传时间: 2021-04-18 16:06:21 | 文件大小: 72B | 文件类型: TXT
Requires Unity 5.6.0 or higher. RealToon v5.1.2 An AAA Anime/Toon Shader to make your characters & objects to look as close to real Anime/Cartoon. Toon/Cel shading shader. (For Games, Film/Animations & Illustrations/Arts) - It is Fully Multi-Lighting. Features: - Smooth Object Normal: *Smooth object normal for better or clean shading. - Self Shadow: *(Adjust Size/Threshold and Hardness without using any texture) - Normal Map: *(For more details) - FReflection: *(Use images/textures as reflection.) *(Can also adjust the size and position) *(This is not a matcap style reflection or cubemap.) - Outline: *(Can change the Color and Width) *(With noise/distort outline for sketch style outline and dynamic) *(You can choose to use outline or without outline "for less drawcalls"). - Gloss (Texture) (Custom Gloss): *(Use images/textures as gloss) *(Can choose to follow light position & object rotation.) - ShadowT (Texture): *(Gradient or Flat base shadow/shade.) - RealToon Refraction: *Anime/cartoon style glass, ice, liquid, etc. - Reduce Shadow: *Reduce real-time shadow of an object - material without affecting other parts of an object. - Fade Transparency with outline and transparent affects shadow. - Vertex color support for Outline, Self Shadow & Smooth Object Normal features. - Includes RealToon (Lite Version) shaders for mobile or lite type games. - Includes RealToon (Tessellation Version) shaders. - Includes RealToon (LWRP Version) (Unity 2018 with LWRP V4.0.0 to latest) - Includes effects like sobel outline. - More... Other Features - Use Directional Light and Point & Spot light or multiple lights at the same time without problem and maintaining that anime/cartoon style shadow color & brightness. - Fully color shadow and maintain light falloff. - Fog affect Outline. - Receive GI with Flat/Smooth shade & Skylight/Environment Light. - Do baked/real-time reflection. - Can use patterned textures for manga/comics like shadow. - Use it with or without




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