GSL( GNU Scientific Library) 2.5 含源代码及CMake工程 和已编译库dll,lib,利用CMake可直接构建VS工程进行编译
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Bash Line Editor-用纯Bash编写的功能齐全的行编辑器! 在Bash交互式会话中可以使用语法突出显示,自动建议,vim模式等! [语言:英语| ―Bash Line Editor― [自述| 手册| 问与答| 贡献| Bash Line Editor(是用纯Bash脚本编写的命令行编辑器,它替代了默认的GNU Readline。 当前的开发版本是0.4。 该脚本支持Bash 3.0或更高版本,尽管我们建议将ble.sh与Bash 4.0或更高版本一起使用。 当前,非ASCII字符仅支持UTF-8编码。 该脚本是在BSD许可下提供的(三节BSD l
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2021-09-16 14:26:04 29.31MB HTML
大牛在翻译官方手册的同时总结了很多实际用法,内容非常权威详细,实为研究Makefile语法之不可多得之佳品! 本文比较完整的讲述GNU make工具,涵盖GNU make的用法、语法。同时重点讨论如何为一个工程编写Makefile。作为一个Linux程序员,make工具的使用以及编写Makefile是必需的。
Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: No Starch Press; 1 edition (April 16, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1593276494 ISBN-13: 978-1593276492 GNU make is the most widely used build automation tool, but it can be challenging to master and its terse language can be tough to parse for even experienced programmers. Those who run into difficulties face a long, involved struggle, often leaving unsolved problems behind and GNU make's vast potential untapped. The GNU Make Book demystifies GNU make and shows you how to use its best features. You'll find a fast, thorough rundown of the basics of variables, rules, targets, and makefiles. Learn how to fix wastefully long build times and other common problems, and gain insight into more advanced capabilities, such as complex pattern rules. With this utterly pragmatic manual and cookbook, you'll make rapid progress toward becoming a more effective user. You'll also learn how to: Master user-defined functions, variables, and path handling Weigh the pitfalls and advantages of GNU make parallelization Handle automatic dependency generation, rebuilding, and non-recursive make Modify the GNU make source and take advantage of the GNU Make Standard Library Create makefile assertions and debug makefiles GNU make is known for being tricky to use, but it doesn't have to be. If you're looking for a deeper understanding of this indispensable tool, you'll find The GNU Make Book to be an indispensable guide.
2021-09-16 13:40:44 2.36MB GNU Make Book