2022-05-23 22:45:24 65KB pandas to_datetime时间转换
Pandas练习题120题+jupyter notebook源码,有源码及运行结果,更方便理解和查询。
2022-05-23 14:31:49 1.73MB Pandas jupyter 源码 notebook
2022-05-23 14:27:56 36KB Pandas练习题
绘制散点图 假设通过爬虫你获取到了北京2016年3,10月份每天白天的最高气温(分别位于列表a,b),那么此时如何寻找出气温和随时间(天)变化的某种规律? a = [11,17,16,11,12,11,12,6,6,7,8,9,12,15,14,17,18,21,16,17,20,14,15,15,15,19,21,22,22,22,23] b = [26,26,28,19,21,17,16,19,18,20,20,19,22,23,17,20,21,20,22,15,11,15,5,13,17,10,11,13,12,13,6] 数据来源: http://lishi.tianqi.com/beijing/index.html
2022-05-21 17:14:21 12.05MB python
前言 在网上找了很多Python处理Excel的方法和代码,都不是很尽人意,所以自己综合网上各位大佬的方法,自己进行了优化,具体的代码如下。 博主也是新手一枚,代码肯定有很多需要优化的地方,欢迎各位大佬提出建议~ 代码我自己已经用了一段时间,可以直接拿去用 主要功能 按行合并 ,即保留固定的表头(如前几行),实现多个Excel相同格式相同名字的表单按纵轴合并; 按列合并。 即保留固定的首列,实现多个Excel相同格式相同名字的表单按横轴合并; 表单集成 ,实现不同Excel中相同sheet的集成(即不汇总,仅集成到同一个新的Excel中)。此处的代码稍微改一下即可实现不同Excel
2022-05-21 15:57:21 77KB AND AS c
Python, a multi-paradigm programming language, has become the language of choice for data scientists for visualization, data analysis, and machine learning. Hands-On Data Analysis with NumPy and Pandas starts by guiding you in setting up the right environment for data analysis with Python, along with helping you install the correct Python distribution. In addition to this, you will work with the Jupyter notebook and set up a database. Once you have covered Jupyter, you will dig deep into Python’s NumPy package, a powerful extension with advanced mathematical functions. You will then move on to creating NumPy arrays and employing different array methods and functions. You will explore Python’s pandas extension which will help you get to grips with data mining and learn to subset your data. Last but not the least you will grasp how to manage your datasets by sorting and ranking them. By the end of this book, you will have learned to index and group your data for sophisticated data analysis and manipulation. What You Will Learn • Understand how to install and manage Anaconda • Read, sort, and map data using NumPy and pandas • Find out how to create and slice data arrays using NumPy • Discover how to subset your DataFrames using pandas • Handle missing data in a pandas DataFrame • Explore hierarchical indexing and plotting with pandas
2022-05-21 14:35:08 8.83MB 数据分析 numpy pandas
Title: Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython, 2nd Edition Author: Wes McKinney Length: 550 pages Edition: 2 Language: English Publisher: O'Reilly Media Publication Date: 2017-09-25 ISBN-10: 1491957662 ISBN-13: 9781491957660 Table of Contents Chapter 1 Preliminaries Chapter 2 Python Language Basics, IPython, and Jupyter Notebooks Chapter 3 Built-in Data Structures, Functions, and Files Chapter 4 NumPy Basics: Arrays and Vectorized Computation Chapter 5 Getting Started with pandas Chapter 6 Data Loading, Storage, and File Formats Chapter 7 Data Cleaning and Preparation Chapter 8 Data Wrangling: Join, Combine, and Reshape Chapter 9 Plotting and Visualization Chapter 10 Data Aggregation and Group Operations Chapter 11 Interlude: Data Analysis Examples Chapter 12 Time Series Chapter 13 Advanced NumPy Chapter 14 Using Modeling Libraries with pandas Chapter 15 Examples Data Sets Appendix Advanced IPython and Jupyter
2022-05-21 14:02:08 5.23MB Python Pandas NumPy IPython
足球数据 来自各种网站/ API的足球数据包装器的集合。 您将获得:具有合理的,匹配的列名和跨数据集的标识符的Pandas数据帧。 数据在需要时下载并本地缓存。 示例Jupyter笔记本位于Github存储库中。 足球,如果你是异教徒 数据源: fourthirtyeight.com ( ) 2016-17赛季欧洲和美国顶级联赛的预测和结果。 数据不再在fourthirtyeight.com上可用,我已将其 football-data.co.uk ( ) 英国,苏格兰,德国,意大利,西班牙,法国,荷兰,比利时,葡萄牙,土耳其和希腊联赛的历史成绩,赔率和比赛统计数据,包括多个较低级别的联赛。 详细程度取决于联盟。 clubelo.com ( http://clubelo.com ) 所有(?)欧洲联赛的一线队相对实力。 每回合后重新计算,包括历史记录。 路线图: 添
2022-05-19 10:13:45 2.09MB python data-science pandas soccer
今天遇到的问题是,要将一份csv数据读入dataframe,但某些列中含有NA值。对于这些列来说,NA应该作为一个有意义的level,而不是缺失值,但read_csv函数会自动将类似的缺失值理解为缺失值并变为NaN。 看pandas文档中read_csv函数中这两个参数的描述,默认会将’-1.#IND’, ‘1.#QNAN’, ‘1.#IND’, ‘-1.#QNAN’, ‘#N/A N/A’,’#N/A’, ‘N/A’, ‘NA’, ‘#NA’, ‘NULL’, ‘NaN’, ‘-NaN’, ‘nan’, ‘-nan’, ”转换为NaN,且na_values参数还支持定义另外的应处理为缺失值的
2022-05-19 00:15:20 35KB AND AS c
本文实例讲述了Python3使用pandas模块读写excel操作。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 前言 Python Data Analysis Library 或 pandas 是基于NumPy 的一种工具,该工具是为了解决数据分析任务而创建的。Pandas 纳入了大量库和一些标准的数据模型,提供了高效地操作大型数据集所需的工具,能使我们快速便捷地处理数据。本文介绍如何用pandas读写excel。 1. 读取excel 读取excel主要通过read_excel函数实现,除了pandas还需要安装第三方库xlrd。 pd.read_excel(io, sheetname=0, hea
2022-05-16 15:59:05 55KB AND AS c