LombScargle.jl 文献资料 建立状态 代码覆盖率 介绍 LombScargle.jl是一个软件包,用于使用对周期信号的进行快速多线程估计。 提供工具以执行信号频谱分析的另一个Julia软件包是 ,但其方法要求信号在等间隔的时间进行采样。 相反,Lomb–Scargle周期图还使您能够分析采样数据不均匀的情况,这在天文学中是相当普遍的情况,在该领域中,此周期图被广泛使用。 以下文件报告了此软件包中使用的算法: Press,WH,Rybicki,GB 1989,ApJ,338,277(URL: ://dx.doi.org/10.1086/167197,Bibcode: :
2021-11-13 21:19:51 530KB time-series astronomy julia signal-processing
用于快速小波变换(通过滤波或提升的1-D,2-D,3-D)的软件包。 该软件包包括离散小波变换,逐列离散小波变换和小波包变换。 第一代小波使用滤波器组(周期性和正交)。 包括以下类型的过滤器:Haar,Daubechies,Coiflet,Symmlet,Battle-Lemarie,Beylkin,Vaidyanathan。 通过提升的第二代子波(周期性和普通类型,包括正交和双正交)。 目前,仅针对Haar和Daubechies(正在开发中)的升降方案。 用户可以轻松构建新的提升方案。 提升变换的当前实现比滤波器变换快2倍。 阈值,最佳基础和降噪功能,例如TI通过循环旋转进行降噪,WP
2021-11-10 18:37:41 675KB julia signal-processing filter wavelet
统计信号处理基础第二卷:检测理论。作者:Steven M. Kay
2021-11-10 01:11:31 29.33MB Statistical Signal Processing
2021-11-09 17:06:29 653KB MechanicalSyste MSSP 作者指南 GuideforAuthor
python-pesq 适用于Python用户的PESQ(语音质量的感知评估)包装 这段代码是专门为numpy数组设计的。 要求 C compiler numpy cython 编译安装 $ git clone https://github.com/ludlows/python-pesq.git $ cd python-pesq $ pip install . # for python 2 $ pip3 install . # for python 3 $ cd .. $ rm -rf python-pesq # remove the code folder since it exists in the python package folder 用pip安装 # PyPi Repository $ pip install pesq # The Latest Version $ pi
2021-11-07 17:48:55 212KB python signal-processing audio-processing pesq
信号处理 第二版 英文原版 Nasser Kehtarnavaz
2021-11-06 14:43:38 22.42MB 信号处理 第二版 英文原版
2021-11-04 14:57:24 3.67MB 数字信号处理 signal digital 系统
Udo Zolzer Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg,Germany
2021-11-04 11:38:20 6.57MB Digital Signal Processing DSP
The fourth edition of Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Noise Reduction updates and extends the chapters in the previous edition and includes two new chapters on MIMO systems, Correlation and Eigen analysis and independent component analysis. The wide range of topics covered in this book include Wiener filters, echo cancellation, channel equalisation, spectral estimation, detection and removal of impulsive and transient noise, interpolation of missing data segments, speech enhancement and noise/interference in mobile communication environments. This book provides a coherent and structured presentation of the theory and applications of statistical signal processing and noise reduction methods. Two new chapters on MIMO systems, correlation and Eigen analysis and independent component analysis Comprehensive coverage of advanced digital signal processing and noise reduction methods for communication and information processing systems Examples and applications in signal and information extraction from noisy data Comprehensive but accessible coverage of signal processing theory including probability models, Bayesian inference, hidden Markov models, adaptive filters and Linear prediction models
2021-11-03 21:55:44 18.22MB DSP Noise
Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays.3rd Ed.Springer 2007.pdf
2021-11-03 15:55:24 12.11MB Digital Signal Processing