2021-12-09 21:34:14 556KB labview8.6
Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing书籍配套代码,希望对大家有所帮助。
2021-12-01 11:10:30 1.57MB 信号处理 数学方法 MATLAB
Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals and Applications By 作者: Lizhe Tan Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of New Mexico – Jean Jiang Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of New Mexico ISBN-10 书号: 0128150718 ISBN-13 书号: 9780128150719 Edition 版本: 3 Release Finelybook 出版日期: 2018-11-23 pages 页数: (920 ) $120 Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals and Applications, Third Edition, not only introduces students to the fundamental principles of DSP, it also provides a working knowledge that they take with them into their engineering careers. Many instructive, worked examples are used to illustrate the material, and the use of mathematics is minimized for an easier grasp of concepts. As such, this title is also useful as a reference for non-engineering students and practicing engineers. The book goes beyond DSP theory, showing the implementation of algorithms in hardware and software. Additional topics covered include adaptive filtering with noise reduction and echo cancellations, speech compression, signal sampling, digital filter realizations, filter design, multimedia applications, over-sampling, etc. More advanced topics are also covered, such as adaptive filters, speech compression such as PCM, µ-law, ADPCM, and multi-rate DSP, over-sampling ADC subband coding, and wavelet transform. Covers DSP principles with an emphasis on communications and control applications Includes chapter objectives, worked examples, and end-of-chapter exercises that aid the reader in grasping key concepts and solving related problems Provides an accompanying website with MATLAB programs for simulation and C programs for real-time DSP Presents new problems of varying types and difficulties Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals and Applications Copyright Preface 1Introduction to Digital Signal Processing 2 Signal Sampling and Quantization 3Digital Signals and Systems 4Discrete Fourier Transform and Signal Spectrum 5 The z-Transform 6Digital Signal Processing Systems, Basic Filteri
2021-11-30 12:58:48 32.47MB Matlab
《Fundamentals_of_Radar_Signal_Processing》(《雷达信号处理基础》的英文版),大牛Mark A. Richards的经典的雷达学习书籍 2005出版
2021-11-28 17:21:25 13.07MB radar 雷达
2021-11-26 10:16:07 19.86MB 5G algorithm
数字信号处理实用技术,英文原版,高清带目录,作者Richard Newbold
2021-11-21 10:29:03 55.85MB Richard Newbold DSP
2021-11-17 15:45:19 4KB signal-processing matlab filter smoothing
JDSP是信号处理工具库,旨在提供适用于Python的科学信号包中的功能。 目的是提供易于使用的API,以对信号执行复杂的操作,从而无需了解处理流水线中的低级复杂性。 快速开始 要获取JDSP的最新稳定版本,请执行以下操作: Gradle implementation 'com.github.psambit9791:jdsp:0.6.0' 玛文 com.github.psambit9791 jdsp 0.6.0 对于JDSP的最新开发版本(未发布): Github git clone --single-branch --branch master
2021-11-16 14:52:26 12.95MB android java signal-processing dsp
Richard G.LYONS的DSP学习经典书,图文并茂。英文原版E-BOOK,附图清晰,PDF格式, 最新第三版。
2021-11-15 17:22:02 25.79MB DSP Richard G. Lyons
Matlab代码verilog ECG信号处理使用ModelSim 由于肺音和EMG,使用传感器获取的ECG信号会产生很大的噪音。 可以通过使用大于10的Notch / Peak滤波器来消除由肺部音,EMG引起的噪声,在信号处理器中实施FPGA将使它们大大提高速度。 MATLAB生成8位数据形式的ECG信号。 滤波器系数是使用MATLAB生成的。 离散时间FIR滤波器是使用Verilog代码设计的,可以消除噪声。
2021-11-15 16:48:27 32KB 系统开源