Digital Signal Processing and Noise Reduction 4th Edition
2021-12-29 20:53:08 18.23MB Digital Signal Processing
Understanding Digital Signal Processing, Third Edition, is quite simply the best resource for engineers and other technical professionals who want to master and apply today’s latest DSP techniques. Richard G. Lyons has updated and expanded his best-selling second edition to reflect the newest technologies, building on the exceptionally readable coverage that made it the favorite of DSP professionals worldwide. He has also added hands-on problems to every chapter, giving students even more of the practical experience they need to succeed. Comprehensive in scope and clear in approach, this book achieves the perfect balance between theory and practice, keeps math at a tolerable level, and makes DSP exceptionally accessible to beginners without ever oversimplifying it. Readers can thoroughly grasp the basics and quickly move on to more sophisticated techniques. This edition adds extensive new coverage of FIR and IIR filter analysis techniques, digital differentiators, integrators, and matched filters. Lyons has significantly updated and expanded his discussions of multirate processing techniques, which are crucial to modern wireless and satellite communications. He also presents nearly twice as many DSP Tricks as in the second edition—including techniques even seasoned DSP professionals may have overlooked. Coverage includes New homework problems that deepen your understanding and help you apply what you’ve learned Practical, day-to-day DSP implementations and problem-solving throughout Useful new guidance on generalized digital networks, including discrete differentiators, integrators, and matched filters Clear descriptions of statistical measures of signals, variance reduction by averaging, and real-world signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) computation A significantly expanded chapter on sample rate conversion (multirate systems) and associated filtering techniques New guidance on implementing fast convolution, IIR filter scaling, and more Enhanced coverage of analyzing digital filter behavior and performance for diverse communications and biomedical applications Discrete sequences/systems, periodic sampling, DFT, FFT, finite/infinite impulse response filters, quadrature (I/Q) processing, discrete Hilbert transforms, binary number formats, and much more
2021-12-27 19:38:37 27.62MB 数字信号处理 dsp
Computer-Based Exercises for Signal Processing Using MATLAB 5 配套源码
2021-12-27 15:05:10 283KB MATLAB
Iirj 用JAVA编写的IIR过滤器库。 高通,低通,带通和带阻分别为Butterworth,Bessel和Chebyshev I / II型。 它基于IIR1库[ ],而该库又基于Vinnie Falco的DSPFilters [ ]。 用法 import*; 建设者 Butterworth butterworth = new Butterworth(); 初始化 带阻 butterworth.bandStop(order,Samplingfreq,Center freq,Width in frequ); 带通 butterworth.bandPass(order,Samplingfreq,Center freq,Width in frequ); 低通 butterworth.lowPass(order,Samplingfr
2021-12-26 22:14:57 180KB signal-processing filter filters filter-plugin
2021-12-21 17:39:33 92B 计算机科学
2021-12-21 09:10:34 11.18MB sensor camera
2021-12-19 12:58:34 1.73MB Video
An important working resource for engineers and researchers involved in the design, development, and implementation of signal processing systemsThe last decade has seen a rapid expansion of the use of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for a wide range of applications beyond traditional digital signal processing (DSP) systems. Written by a team of experts working at the leading edge of FPGA research and development, this second edition of FPGA-based Implementation of Signal Processing Systems has been extensively updated and revised to reflect the latest iterations of FPGA theory, applications, and technology. Written from a system-level perspective, it features expert discussions of contemporary methods and tools used in the design, optimization and implementation of DSP systems using programmable FPGA hardware. And it provides a wealth of practical insights—along with illustrative case studies and timely real-world examples—of critical concern to engineers working in the design and development of DSP systems for radio, telecommunications, audio-visual, and security applications, as well as bioinformatics, Big Data applications, and more. Inside you will find up-to-date coverage of:,解压密码
2021-12-17 14:52:57 12.28MB 英文
2021-12-16 21:55:14 20.32MB 5G NR
Simon Haykin著 附录彩色,全本清晰版 适合进一步学习雷达知识者 -------------------------------- 小闻子专业推荐 质量保证
2021-12-15 21:18:48 8.13MB Radar Signal Processing Simon