书名:SPEECH ENHANCEMENT Theory and Practice 很好的书!学习语音增强的同学可以看看。
2021-12-21 18:52:49 17.51MB 语音增强
Wireless Communications Principles And Practice 2nd Edition by Rappaport
2021-12-17 17:38:49 24.87MB Wireless
This book discusses how model-based approaches can improve the daily practice of software professionals. This is known as Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDSE) or, simply, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE). MDSE practices have proved to increase efficiency and effectiveness in software development, as demonstrated by various quantitative and qualitative studies. MDSE adoption in the software industry is foreseen to grow exponentially in the near future, e.g., due to the convergence of software development and business analysis. The aim of this book is to provide you with an agile and flexible tool to introduce you to the MDSE world, thus allowing you to quickly understand its basic principles and techniques and to choose the right set of MDSE instruments for your needs so that you can start to benefit from MDSE right away. The book is organized into two main parts. The first part discusses the foundations of MDSE in terms of basic concepts (i.e., models and transformations), driving principles, application scenarios, and current standards, like the well-known MDA initiative proposed by OMG (Object Management Group) as well as the practices on how to integrate MDSE in existing development processes.
2021-12-16 23:47:28 2.4MB 模型驱动工程 高清文字版 书签
Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++, Second Edition 英文 第2版 EPUB转PDF Bjarne Stroustrup
2021-12-13 01:19:14 60.28MB Principles and Practice Using
go in practice Go语言实战目标读者是已经有一定其他编程语言经验,想要开始学习Go 语言或者更深入了解Go 语言及其内部机制的中级开发者。本书会提供一个专注、全面且符合习惯的视角。本书关注Go 语言的规范和实现,涉及的内容包括语法、Go 的类型系统、并发、通道和测试等主题。
2021-12-11 21:52:01 6.21MB GO
Essential prep for maintenance of certification exams as well as neurosurgery boardsComprehensive, but small enough to take on rounds, the updated second edition of this popular neurosurgical board review provides a robust study companion for the American Board of Neurological Surgery (ABNS) primary examination. The text includes an impressive number of questions with concise and well-delineated explanations. Suitable for thorough board preparation, the question and answer format enables busy neurosurgical residents to efficiently practice, review, and improve upon their comprehension.In addition to all the fundamental disciplines that are relevant to the practice of neurosurgery, this edition encompasses the latest advances in the field including endovascular approaches, minimally invasive spinal surgery techniques, and genetics. The diverse and challenging questions encourage the acquisition of factual knowledge and application of logic. This is the definitive ABNS study book because it most closely mimics the written board examination format.Key Highlights,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-12-10 16:03:59 4.04MB 英文
python-tkinter-practice 石头剪刀布蜥蜴用Tkinter与GUI的麻雀克隆。 这是我第一次尝试使用Python和Tkinter编写程序。 您可以使用“文件”菜单中的相应按钮保存和加载游戏。
2021-12-06 23:52:37 4KB Python
作者简介 Dr. William Stallings has authored 18 titles, and counting revised editions, over 40 books on computer security, computer networking, and computer architecture. His writings have appeared in numerous publications, including the Proceedings of the IEEE, ACM Computing Reviews and Cryptologia. He has 13 times received the award for the best Computer Science textbook of the year from the Text and Academic Authors Association. In over 30 years in the field, he has been a technical contributor, technical manager, and an executive with several high-technology firms. He has designed and implemented both TCP/IP-based and OSI-based protocol suites on a variety of computers and operating systems, ranging from microcomputers to mainframes. As a consultant, he has advised government agencies, computer and software vendors, and major users on the design, selection, and use of networking software and products. He created and maintains the Computer Science Student Resource Site at ComputerScienceStudent.com. This site provides documents and links on a variety of subjects of general interest to computer science students (and professionals). He is a member of the editorial board of Cryptologia, a scholarly journal devoted to all aspects of cryptology. Dr. Stallings holds a PhD from MIT in computer science and a BS from Notre Dame in electrical engineering. 目录 1. Computer and Network Security Concepts 2. Introduction to Number Theory 3. Classical Encryption Techniques 4. Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard 5. Finite Fields 6. Advanced Encryption Standard 7. Block Cipher Operation 8. Random Bit Generation and Stream Ciphers 9. Public-Key Cryptography and RSA 10. Other Public-Key Cryptosystems 11. Cryptographic Hash Functions 12. Message Authentication Codes 13. Digital Signatures 14. Key Management and Distribution 15. User Authentication Protocols 16. Network Access Control and Cloud Security 17. Transport-Level Security 18. Wireless Netwo
2021-12-06 16:43:40 8.7MB Willia Crypto Networ Princi
Active Structural Control Theory and Practice-T. T. Soong.pdf
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Certified Cloud Security Professional Practice Exams(All In One)eBook
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