Hadoop in Practice
2021-11-18 14:43:40 21.07MB hadoop
Insight into Images Principles and Practice for Segmentation:(对图像的认识 分割的原则和实践)
2021-11-11 21:29:25 9.05MB images
circuit analysis theory and pratice
2021-11-10 08:38:58 18.86MB circuit analysis
Java Concurrency in Practice
2021-11-09 10:15:13 3.99MB Java Concurrency
leetcode下载 Java Lesson 2019-12-05 公告 想让大家平时练习时就把 git 和 maven 用上,今晚讲一下它们的简单用法 在 github 上创建项目 创建 maven 项目,常见的配置,如何在 pom.xml 加入依赖项目 maven 编译 git 提交代码到 github 你创建的项目上 :条件、循环、循环嵌套等 使用 LeetCode 上的一些和当前所学内容相关的算法题来作为课堂练习 git + maven 的安装和使用 maven 安装 已经安装好。 注册 github 账号 已经注册好 新建一个项目 登录成功后,点击右上角【+】,在下拉菜单中选择【New repository】 填写项目名(Repository name)和描述(Description) 选择公共库(Public)、不使用 README.md 初始化 点击【Create repository】进行创建 将自己项目上传 github 下载 git, 安装后,进入命令行执行 git --version,如果能正常显示版本号说明安装正确,比如显示内容如下: ➜ java-les gi
2021-11-08 22:06:29 5KB 系统开源
进度计划实践标准Practice Standard for Scheduling.pdf
2021-11-08 15:15:57 4.66MB 进度计划实
Web Full Stack Practice:Docker + uWSGI + Celery + Django + Supervisor + React + Nginx + Https + Postgres + Redis 本项目主要介绍基于 Docker 的 Web 开发和部署(开发要求在改动代码时服务或页面能够实时发生变化)全流程,来源于日常项目,后端以 Django 为例,前端以 React 为例,使用到的其他模块也可以换成同类产品,比如 uWSGI 可以换成 Gunicorn,数据库可以换成 Mysql 等。我们将通过一个案例前后端分离介绍,这样容易理解。 目标 docker-compose 启动前后端同时开发 本地开发 + 正式部署 Https Supervisor + uWSGI + Nginx 部署 特别说明:在前后端联合调试时比较方便,如果单个开发后端或前端,直接本地很多
2021-11-08 11:19:41 45.47MB react docker nginx redis
Spatial Data Analysis: Theory and Practice provides a broad-ranging treatment of the field of spatial data analysis. It begins with an overview of spatial data analysis and the importance of location (place, context and space) in scientific and policy-related research. Covering fundamental problems concerning how attributes in geographical space are represented to the latest methods of exploratory spatial data analysis and spatial modelling, it is designed to take the reader through the key areas that underpin the analysis of spatial data, providing a platform from which to view and critically appreciate many of the key areas of the field. Parts of the text are accessible to undergraduate and master’s level students, but it also contains sufficient challenging material that it will be of interest to geographers, social scientists and economists, environmental scientists and statisticians, whose research takes them into the area of spatial analysis.
2021-11-08 09:23:18 6.04MB Spatial Data Analysis
Effective Coding with VHDL Principles and Best Practice 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-11-02 20:35:24 14.53MB Effective Coding VHDL Principles
2021-11-02 13:56:29 4.87MB Data Flow Analysis Compiler Program