2022-01-11 11:57:25 47.28MB GPS 高速传感器 辅助导航 组合导航
In this paper, we address antenna selection (AS)-aided massive multi-user multiple-input-multiple-output (MU-MIMO).system based on maximum signal-to-noise ratio, where imperfect channel state information (CSI), time-varying channel and.antenna spatial correlation are considered. More explicitly, a computationally simple training-based channel estimator (CE) is.firstly employed for obtaining the imperfect down-link CSI. Channel quantization (CQ) is subsequently introduced by the feedback.link whi
2021-12-20 22:29:15 579KB 研究论文
zemax 计算机辅助光学设计 英文经典书籍
2021-11-26 10:32:01 11.57MB zemax lens design
matlab偏差代码接触辅助不变EKF 该存储库包含接触式不变扩展卡尔曼滤波器的Matlab / Simulink实现示例。 该过滤器是为在Cassie系列两足动物机器人上使用而设计的,但是可以很容易地将其修改为其他系统。 所包括的测量数据集是通过模拟Cassie行走生成的。 该过滤器的开发和解释如下:。 目前正在开发用于过滤器的C ++库和ROS包装器。 运行示例 打开Matlab到“ matlab_example”文件夹。 运行scipt“ run_RIEKF_test.m”。 这将打开并运行simulink模型,并将测量数据存储在“ / data”文件夹中。 模拟完成后,将出现一些绘图,用于分析状态估计器的结果。 可以在“ example_code / RIEKF_InitFcn.m”脚本中更改过滤器参数。 运行simulink模型时,该脚本会自动执行。 可调参数 以下参数将影响进入滤波器的实际噪声测量: gyro_true_bias_init初始陀螺仪偏置 accel_true_bias_init初始加速度计偏差 gyro_true_noise_std添加到陀螺仪测量中的噪声的
2021-10-10 16:39:47 6.59MB 系统开源
Aided Navigation GPS High Rate Sensors
2021-08-08 18:38:49 49.02MB GPS 导航 高速传感器
In the late 1950s, hardware became available that allowed the machining of 3D shapes out of blocks of wood or steel.1 These shapes could then be used as stamps and dies for products such as the hood of a car. The bottleneck in this production method was soon found to be the lack of adequate software. In order to machine a shape using a computer, it became necessary to produce a computer-compatible description of that shape. The most promising description method was soon identified to be in terms of parametric surfaces. An example of this approach is provided by Plates I and III: Plate I shows the actual hood of a car; Plate III shows how it is represented internally as a collection of parametric surfaces.
2021-08-02 17:23:20 4.3MB graphics
信息技术的普及不仅改变了数据管理的面貌,而且为智能家居和城市运动提供了动力。 尽管有许多不同类型的智能家居技术,但其中许多都具有相似的可持续发展目标。 这些工具堆可改善能源的产生或节省能源并减少水的浪费。 毫无疑问,他们中的一些人在环境,社会和经济方面实现了双赢的共同发展。 在本文中,我们首先讨论三代智能家居:(1)蓝牙和Zigbee支持智能技术;(2)带有人工智能的智能家居;(3)可以在家里四处走动的智能家居机器人。 然后,我们采用大数据分析方法来研究2004年至2016年Google在智能家居和家庭自动化搜索中的普及程度。最后,我们搜索可以实现可持续发展目标的最新智能家居技术。 结果表明,热衷于智能家居和家庭自动化设备的国家不仅限于世界上最富有的国家。 在过去十年中,Google在家庭自动化领域搜索量最大的前三名城市均来自印度。 它们是著名的信息技术(IT)中心,拥有许多IT人员。 我们推测对智能家居/家庭自动化的兴趣与居民的计算机素养相关,而不与经济财富相关。 此外,研究表明,许多可持续家庭技术主要集中在节能上。 节水型智能家居设备仅在蓝色月亮中发生一次。 与世界上许多城市的水相比,用电成本相对较高。 简而言之,这项研究提供了学术,实践和政策方面的贡献。
2021-06-30 13:27:07 661KB sustainable development computer aided
GN方法matlab代码作者已授权ken0225发布此代码包。 IRS辅助MISO通信的鲁棒传输设计框架 这是与以下科学文章相关的代码包: G. Zhou,C。Pan,H。Ren,K。Wang和A. Nallanathan,“,”在IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,第1卷。 2020年第68页,第5092-5106页 此代码包已根据GPLv2许可获得许可。 如果您以任何方式将此代码用于发表论文的研究,请引用上面列出的原始文章。 所有的Matlab代码仅供参考,以便读者了解我们的论文中使用的算法。 在运行提供的代码之前,请安装MOSEK工具。 文件夹“ 2020TSP”包含期刊“ TSP2020-A,用于具有不完善的级联通道的IRS辅助MISO通信的鲁棒传输设计框架”中的“最坏情况下鲁棒波束成形设计”的Matlab代码。 由于TSP2020中没有“坚固耐用的鲁棒波束成形设计”的Matlab代码,因此,我们建议有兴趣的读者阅读以下两段代码。 文件夹“ Globecom2020”是会议“ Globecom2020-具有不完善的级联通道的IRS辅助通
2021-06-28 16:29:58 129.48MB 系统开源
This book provides readers with an up-to-date account of the use of machine learning frameworks, methodologies, algorithms and techniques in the context of computer-aided design (CAD) for very-large-scale integrated circuits (VLSI). Coverage includes the various machine learning methods used in lithography, physical design, yield prediction, post-silicon performance analysis, reliability and failure analysis, power and thermal analysis, analog design, logic synthesis, verification, and neuromorphic design. Provides up-to-date information on machine learning in VLSI CAD for device modeling, layout verifications, yield prediction, post-silicon validation, and reliability; Discusses the use of machine learning techniques in the context of analog and digital synthesis; Demonstrates how to formulate VLSI CAD objectives as machine learning problems and provides a comprehensive treatment of their efficient solutions; Discusses the tradeoff between the cost of collecting data and prediction accuracy and provides a methodology for using prior data to reduce cost of data collection in the design, testing and validation of both analog and digital VLSI designs. From the Foreword As the semiconductor industry embraces the rising swell of cognitive systems and edge intelligence, this book could serve as a harbinger and example of the osmosis that will exist between our cognitive structures and methods, on the one hand, and the hardware architectures and technologies that will support them, on the other….As we transition from the computing era to the cognitive one, it behooves us to remember the success story of VLSI CAD and to earnestly seek the help of the invisible hand so that our future cognitive systems are used to design more powerful cognitive systems. This book is very much aligned with this on-going transition from computing to cognition, and it is with deep pleasure that I recommend it to all those who are actively engaged in this exciting transformation. Dr. Ruchir P
2021-06-25 11:58:40 23.82MB 机器学习 VLSI CAD 电路
Guerci教授的认知雷达入门书籍, Cognitive Radar:The Knowledge-Aided Fully Adaptive Approach
2021-06-24 20:26:52 2.22MB Cognitive Radar Knowledge Aided