语音活动检测项目 关键字:Python,TensorFlow,深度学习,时间序列分类 目录 2.12.2 5.15.2将5.35.4 去做 资源 1.安装 该项目旨在: Ubuntu的20.04 的Python 3.7.3 TensorFlow 1.15.4 $ cd /path/to/project/ $ git clone https://github.com/filippogiruzzi/voice_activity_detection.git $ cd voice_activity_detection/ 1.1基本安装 $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt $ pip3 install -e . 1.2虚拟环境安装 1.3 Docker安装 构建docker镜像: $ sudo make build (这可能
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2024-03-04 15:04:48 7KB voice python
Power supply: 2.7~3.6V  • 32-bit CortexM0  • Built-in a 16-bit DSP  • Built-in a PPU unit  • Built-in AES unit for network security • Built-in ICE for debugging  • 12MHz crystal or IHRC (internal high RC) type for system clock  • 96 MIPS CPU  • Deep power down mode (800nA)  • Timer(32-bit/16-bit) and RTC  • Sampling Rate: 8 / 12 / 16 / 22.05 / 24 / 32 / 44.1 /48 KHz  • Low Voltage Reset  • Low Voltage Detect  • TFT: 8/16-bit RGB, 8/16-bit 8080  • Multi-peripheral: SPI, I2S, MSP, 8080 LCM,TFT, SDIO,CMOS, SD card, SPI NAND Flash, SPI Flash, USB Device, USB Host • Built-in OID Decoder unit  • PWMIO*6 • 6-CH SAR ADC • I/O Ports: 72 I/O pins
2024-02-25 21:13:10 2.2MB Voice Controllers CortexM0 DSP
2023-12-07 12:07:53 289KB 鼠标连点器 谷歌voice
离线文字转语音 • 支持所有构建平台! • 适合于 Windows、macOS、Android 和 iOS 的原生提供程序 将文本转换为语音 • 即时从文本转换到语音 — 在运行时即可生成! • 连带作用:连续的音频生成可节省大量内存! • 在游戏的测试阶段无需配音演员! • 按姓名、文化和/或性别筛选语音 • 一次可以发出多种声音(例如,公共场所中很多人同时讲话的场景) • 通过语速、音调和音量微调你的声音! • 支持 SSML 和 EmotionML! • 在 Windows 和 iOS 上提供最新的单词、唇形和音素 — 包括标记! • 生成的音频可以存储为文件在 Unity 中反复使用! • 单个 AudioSource 匹配 1-infinite 同步发音人! • 简单的顺序和对话系统 • 不降低性能! • 提供超过 1000 种声音选择! Support for Unity 2023
2023-11-22 14:13:50 11.03MB unity 文本转语音 RT-Voice
Windows Mixer Control in C#
2023-10-15 05:04:44 38KB voice
将文本转换为语音 • 即时从文本转换到语音 — 在运行时即可生成! • 连带作用:连续的音频生成可节省大量内存! • 在游戏的测试阶段无需配音演员! • 按姓名、文化和/或性别筛选语音 • 一次可以发出多种声音(例如,公共场所中很多人同时讲话的场景) • 通过语速、音调和音量微调你的声音! • 支持 SSML 和 EmotionML! • 在 Windows 和 iOS 上提供最新的单词、唇形和音素 — 包括标记! • 生成的音频可以存储为文件在 Unity 中反复使用! • 单个 AudioSource 匹配 1-infinite 同步发音人! • 简单的顺序和对话系统 • 不降低性能! • 提供超过 1000 种声音选择! 适用于unity2019.4.34及更高版本
2023-03-17 15:29:07 11.03MB unity
2023-03-08 22:27:11 152KB 语音 voice chat
VoiceRecorder.js 一个简单JavaScript,可让您录制用户的麦克风。 我之所以这样做,是因为我发现没有一个JavaScript能够像它一样出色和容易,而且我什至都找不到文档,所以希望我使您的工作变得轻松一些。 用法 请注意,有,即使您不喜欢阅读文档,也可以。 创建一个实例 您可以使用此行创建语音记录器的新实例: recorder = new VoiceRecorder(); 开始录音 如果我们还没有记录权限,那么开始记录将会请求权限。 您可能想知道用户是否向您授予了权限,因此您可以定义一个回调函数: recorder.start(function(status) { if(status == "OK") { // Everything is awesome } else { // No permiss
2023-02-18 11:54:05 4KB javascript voice recorder user-microphone
Apress, 2010 ,如何用.net来实现并行计算,本书将带你一探究竟 Parallel programming has been revolutionised in .NET 4 providing, for the first time, a standardised and simplified method for creating robust, scalable and reliable multi-threaded applications. The Parallel Programming features of .NET 4 allow the programmer to create applications that harness the power of multi-core and multi-processor machines. Simpler to use and more powerful than “classic” .NET threads, parallel programming allows the developer to remain focused on the work an application needs to perform. In Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C#, Adam Freeman presents expert advice that guides you through the process of creating concurrent C# applications from the ground up. You’ll be introduced to .NET’s parallel programming features, both old and new, discover the key functionality that has been introduced in .NET 4, and learn how you can take advantage of the power of multi-core and multi-processor machines with ease. Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C# is a reliable companion that will remain with you as you explore the parallel programming universe, elegantly and comprehensively explaining all aspects of parallel programming, guiding you around potential pitfalls and providing clear-cut solutions to the common problems that you will encounter. What you’ll learn * Develop scalable and robust parallel applications in C#. * Design, test and use parallel algorithms and data structures. * Understand and implement common parallel design patterns. * Avoid common anti-patterns and problems. * Use Visual Studio to verify and debug parallel applications. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430229675/buythisbooks-20
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