matlab阻抗控制代码全身控制器 用于类人机器人的Matlab / Simulink全身控制器的集合。 依存关系 该存储库取决于以下软件/存储库: ,至少是R2014a版本(默认: R2017b ) ,至少是7.8版 并访问iCub模型。 (可选,用于和设备)。 注意:建议使用()安装whole-body-controllers及其大多数依赖项(即codyco-modules , icub-gazebo , icub-gazebo-wholebody gazebo-yarp-plugins , gazebo-yarp-plugins和WB-Toolbox及其依赖项)。启用ROBOTOLOGY_USES_GAZEBO , ROBOTOLOGY_ENABLE_DYNAMICS , ROBOTOLOGY_USES_MATLAB选项)。 安装及使用 将.bashrc文件中的环境变量YARP_ROBOT_NAME设置为要控制的机器人的名称。 支持的机械手名称列表: 机器人名称 关联的URDF模型 iCubGenova02 iCubGenova04 iCubGazeboV2_5 icubGaze
2024-09-25 09:19:31 623KB 系统开源
Power supply: 2.7~3.6V  • 32-bit CortexM0  • Built-in a 16-bit DSP  • Built-in a PPU unit  • Built-in AES unit for network security • Built-in ICE for debugging  • 12MHz crystal or IHRC (internal high RC) type for system clock  • 96 MIPS CPU  • Deep power down mode (800nA)  • Timer(32-bit/16-bit) and RTC  • Sampling Rate: 8 / 12 / 16 / 22.05 / 24 / 32 / 44.1 /48 KHz  • Low Voltage Reset  • Low Voltage Detect  • TFT: 8/16-bit RGB, 8/16-bit 8080  • Multi-peripheral: SPI, I2S, MSP, 8080 LCM,TFT, SDIO,CMOS, SD card, SPI NAND Flash, SPI Flash, USB Device, USB Host • Built-in OID Decoder unit  • PWMIO*6 • 6-CH SAR ADC • I/O Ports: 72 I/O pins
2024-02-25 21:13:10 2.2MB Voice Controllers CortexM0 DSP
2022-11-04 20:05:04 23.73MB k8s
HVDC and FACTS Controllers: Applications of Static Converters in Power Systems focuses on the technical advances and developments that have taken place in the past ten years or so in the fields of High Voltage DC transmission and Flexible AC transmission systems. These advances (in HVDC transmission and FACTS) have added a new dimension to power transmission capabilities. The book covers a wide variety of topics, some of which are listed below: -Current Source and Voltage Source Converters, -Synchronization Techniques for Power Converters, -Capacitor Commutated Converters, -Active Filters, -Typical Disturbances on HVDC Systems, -Simulation Techniques, -Static Var Compensators based on Chain Link Converters, -Advanced Controllers, -Trends in Modern HVDC. In addition to EHV transmission, HVDC technology has impacted on a number of other areas as well. As an example, a chapter dealing with HVDC Light applications is included providing recent information on both on-shore and off-shore applications of wind farms. HVDC and FACTS Controllers: Applications of Static Converters in Power Systems is meant for senior undergraduate, graduate students and professional power systems engineers. Mathematical treatment of the subject has been kept to a minimum and emphasis has been placed on principles and practical applications. Applications from major manufacturers are included to provide useable information for the practicing power systems engineer.
2022-05-01 20:51:55 15.64MB HVDC FACTS
PID Controllers:Theory, Design and Tuning的配套课件
2022-03-21 11:50:10 1.48MB PID Controllers Design Tuning
mavros_controllers 在脱机模式下使用软件包控制MAV的控制器。 概述 该存储库包含用于使用mavros软件包控制MAV的控制器。 存储库中包含以下软件包 geometric_controller:基于几何控制的轨迹跟踪控制器 controller_msgs:定制消息定义 trajectory_publisher:节点将设定点发布为运动原语/轨迹的状态,以供控制器遵循。 入门 安装PX4 SITL(仅用于模拟) 遵循所示的说明,要检查是否正确设置了必要的环境,可以使用以下命令运行gazebo SITL cd DONT_RUN=1 make px4_sitl_default gazebo 要获取PX4环境的源代码,请运行以下命令 cd source ~ /catkin_ws/d
2022-03-20 21:01:27 61KB drone robotics ros px4
Abstract: An anti-windup scheme for proportional-integral-derivative controllers is presented. The approach is based on the combined use of back-calculation and conditional integration anti- windup techniques. In this way, the disadvantages that can hinder previously proposed strategies are overcome. Specifically, the method can guarantee a satisfactory performance for processes with different normalised dead times, without the tuning of additional parameters being required. Therefore, considering its simplicity, it is highly suitable for implementation in industrial regulators.
2022-01-10 23:20:58 118KB pid
非常经典的PID书,并有tuning 方法介绍,比国内书好多了!!!
2021-12-01 23:13:50 13.45MB pid tune
ABR控制 ABR控制库是一个python软件包,用于在真实或模拟环境中控制和规划机械臂。 ABR Control提供了用于Mujoco,CoppeliaSim(以前称为VREP)和Pygame模拟环境的API,以及用于一臂,两臂和三关节模型以及UR5和Kinova Jaco 2臂的臂配置文件。 用户还可以轻松地扩展该软件包以使其与自定义手臂配置一起运行。 ABR Control自动生成高效的C代码以生成控制信号,或使用Mujoco的内部功能进行计算。 ABR还提供了一个接口和配置,可用于控制存储库中的实际Jaco 2。 安装 ABR控制库取决于NumPy,SymPy,SciPy,CloudPickle,Cython,SetupTools,Nengo和Matplotlib。 我们建议使用 。 请注意,在干净的环境中安装将需要编译依赖库,并且将花费几分钟。 要安装ABR Control,
2021-10-18 10:48:54 429KB controllers robot-control robot-arm Python
2021-10-06 16:41:50 568KB PID AT