眼睛 为盲人和视障用户描述使用音频的照片。 aiEyes是一个开源应用程序,它可以借助帮助盲人和视障用户看到世界。 使用, 和它能够向用户描述图片。 受@adrielcafe 启发。 :red_heart_selector: 觉得这个项目有用吗? 如果您发现此项目有用,请考虑给它一个 :white_medium_star: 在Github上,并通过社交媒体与您的朋友分享。 示范影片 入门 获取API密钥 在此处创建您的计算机视觉API密钥: : 使用API​​密钥的值修改文件src/utils/keys.ts 安装 首先,安装依赖项以运行此应用程序: $ npm install -g cordova ionic 安装依赖项: $ npm install 在手机上运行应用 $ ionic cordova platform add android $ ionic cordova run android 要么 $ ionic cordova platform add ios $ ionic cordova run ios 技术领域 科技类 描述 Ionic是美观,免费和开源
2021-02-01 11:16:09 3.91MB typescript computer-vision azure angular4
Emgucv Vision工具包代码,别人开源的工具包代码。拿出来给大家分享。
2021-01-29 17:09:15 75.11MB Emgucv Vision
2021-01-28 16:04:24 28.22MB computer vision algorithm 计算机视觉
2021-01-28 04:48:03 300.06MB Vision visionpro c#vision项目
Learn how to model and train advanced neural networks to implement a variety of Computer Vision tasks Key FeaturesTrain different kinds of deep learning model from scratch to solve specific problems in Computer VisionCombine the power of Python, Keras, and TensorFlow to build deep learning models for object detection, image classification, similarity learning, image captioning, and moreIncludes tips on optimizing and improving the performance of your models under various constraintsBook Description Deep learning has shown its power in several application areas of Artificial Intelligence, especially in Computer Vision. Computer Vision is the science of understanding and manipulating images, and finds enormous applications in the areas of robotics, automation, and so on. This book will also show you, with practical examples, how to develop Computer Vision applications by leveraging the power of deep learning. In this book, you will learn different techniques related to object classification, object detection, image segmentation, captioning, image generation, face analysis, and more. You will also explore their applications using popular Python libraries such as TensorFlow and Keras. This book will help you master state-of-the-art, deep learning algorithms and their implementation. What you will learnSet up an environment for deep learning with Python, TensorFlow, and KerasDefine and train a model for image and video classificationUse features from a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network model for image retrievalUnderstand and implement object detection using the real-world Pedestrian Detection scenarioLearn about various problems in image captioning and how to overcome them by training images and text togetherImplement similarity matching and train a model for face recognitionUnderstand the concept of generative models and use them for image generationDeploy your deep learning models and optimize them for high performanceWho This Book Is For This book is targeted
2020-12-24 08:51:06 81.94MB 深度学习 tensorflow keras
计算机视觉算法与应用英文版,原版,带标签,Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications,Richard Szeliski著,This electronic draft is for non-commercial personal use only, and may not be posted or re-distributed in any form.
2020-11-25 16:04:30 22.14MB CV
双目视觉标定棋盘格模板程序,有c++程序和生成的图像模板。要打印,最好300dpi以上 ,可用photoshop修改分辨率。程序生成的是72dpi.
2020-10-20 20:41:45 13KB c/c++ vision
2020-05-12 17:20:35 49.09MB 深度相机 TOF 结构光
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications Richard+Szeliski.pdf计算机视觉算法与应用 该书是英文原版的书籍,详细介绍了图像处理相关的算法,以及现在比较流行的三维点云重建及匹配算法,生动形象具体,适合有经验的视觉算法工程师细读,回来我会将翻译文章进行上传,请继续关注
2020-05-11 23:29:07 185B Computer Vision
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2020-04-21 16:45:35 2KB computer vision