GUI PRO 套件 - 幻想 RPG 是一套完整的 UI 资源来让你制作自己的幻想风格游戏。 【该资源为本人购买,分享仅供学习使用!】
2021-11-04 14:07:52 265.05MB Unity UnityAssets
一套简单的背包系统 ● 库存和设备视图 ● 商店视图 ● 支持拖放 ● 支持双击 ● 自动滚动 ● 包含用户界面 (PSD) ● 包含样本声音 ● 易于集成,因为使用了非常简单的接口 ● 易于扩展和定制 ● 极致性能 ● 移动友好 ● 兼容Unity 2019/2020+ ● 任何平台(iOS、Android、PC、TV、WebGL) ● 快速支持,请随时询问和请求新功能 =)
2021-10-13 22:02:41 2.41MB 背包 游戏 unity3d
wcg2008 Gui wcg2008 Gui
2021-09-12 17:42:06 1006KB 贵州Fantasy WCG2008 Gui
If you like this pack, do check out other Polygonal assets in the store list link provided above. You will find more similar assets that you can use together with this asset. For eg: Polygonal Fantasy Pack Polygonal Wings Pack Polygonal Creatures Pack Polygonal Aliens Pack Polygonal Skeletons Pack Polygonal Robot Hermit Polygonal Frightfly and more! Polygonal Series 3D models are in faceted style. Texture size is small and asset textures remain clear when close up. It will be a good addition to other faceted style environment packs. Polygonal Fantasy Pack Polygonal Fantasy Pack is a 3D assets pack with modular 3D characters and environment props in faceted style for your game development. Customize the look of your fantasy characters with attachable accessories and weapons like pauldrons, necklaces, swords, wands, shields and helmets etc. Change character's face to create different heroes for your game. Change character's costumes to give them a different work class like knight, mage and archer! Check out the tutorial images in the preview section to find out how to customize them. Note that: 1) No script is included in this pack. This is a 3d assets pack only. 2) No character animations are included in this pack. Characters are humanoid mecanim ready. It's compatible with Mixamo animations. 3) Please see preview images and videos to know more about the content. The demo scenes in the package is using the following FREE plug in but the pack doesn't require the plug in to work properly. Please download and import them into your project. 1) Post Processing Stack 2 3D files are in FBX and texture files are in PSD in the package. Additional fee may be required for other files. _________________________________ What is included in the pack? Costumes: - 360 base prefabs ( 3 skin color variation. Male and Female) - 7 color variations ( silver and gold version each) for costumes. Male (Number of mesh designs) : - 18 torso - 20 bottom - 6 shoes - 5 hands - 10 belt
2021-09-07 19:05:44 121B unity polygon
POLYGON - 幻想王国资源包 一款宏大的低多边形资源包,包含建筑物、角色、道具、武器、环境资源,可制作幻想主题的多边形风格游戏。无需翻遍整个商店寻找匹配的资源包,这可能是资源商店中发布的最大、最全面的资源包。 这一资源包中包含超过 2100 个精细的预制件。 主要特点 - 完全模块化的城堡和房屋系统,具有可进入的内部结构! - 攻城武器和军队道具! - 包含大量演示场景 - (角色姿势仅供参考) Assets 角色 (x22) 酒保、男铁匠、女铁匠、仙女、占卜师、刽子手、隐士、小丑、国王、法师、商人、僧侣、修女、男农民、女农民、牧师、王子、公主、女王、骑士、男士兵、女士兵 角色附件 (x10) 铁匠护目镜 (x3)、国王披肩和王冠、法师披肩、牧师帽、公主皇冠、女王皇冠、士兵头盔。 车辆 (x11) 手推车、攻城武器(弩车、加农炮、攻城塔、抛石机、石弩、攻城锤、迫击炮、小船 模块化城堡和房屋(x600 多件) 墙壁、窗户、门、楼梯、柱/梁、城垛、地板、屋顶、尖顶、拱门、烟囱、破损构件等 其他预设 (x26) 优化的预设房屋外观 环境(x240 件) 路径、草、灌木、树木、花朵、花盆、常春藤、岩石等 道具 (x794) 横幅和旗帜、家具、灯/蜡烛/吊灯、战场道具(尸体、箭矢、靶子、防御工事等)、板条箱/桶/麻袋、集市/商店道具(书籍、香料、肉等)、铁匠铺、工作台、标牌、地毯、雕像等 物品 (x241) 工艺材料、瓶子、盘子和杯子、食品、工具、珠宝、羊皮纸等 完整的武器 (x111) 箭、弓、箭袋、斧头、锤子、狼牙棒、权杖、盾牌、矛、手杖、法杖、剑、匕首、猎象枪 模块化武器(x72 件) 刀片、刀柄、矛柄/枪头 特效 (x28) 万箭齐发、烛焰、乱石横飞、灰尘、火、雾、喷泉、魔幻灯、雨、烟、水车、太阳光束
2021-09-07 19:05:43 121B unity polygon
POLYGON – Modular Fantasy Hero Characters A low poly Modular Character asset pack to create characters for your fantasy game or make a character creator for your players to make their own hero. Key Features – 720 modular pieces with a custom shader to change colors – Demo scene included with random character generator script – Male and Female versions of each body part (not including unisex parts) – Capes rigged to work with Dynamic Bone – 120 Premade characters from the modular parts – Static versions for in game pick ups and use for UI etc Assets Modular Character Assets – Hair, Heads, Eyebrows, Facial Hair, Hats, Masks, Helmets, Torsos, Hips, Legs, Arms, Hands, Knee pads, Shoulder pads, Elbow Pads, Hip Attachments, Bags, Capes etc Weapon Assets – Axe, Dagger, Jousts, Maces, Shields, Shields, Staffs, Swords, Knives etc Compatibility – Works in Unity 2019.1 and above – Universal Render Pipeline (URP) – Characters setup to work with Mecanim (no animations included in this pack) Other Assets Combine this asset pack with our other Fantasy packs – – POLYGON Dungeons – POLYGON Knights – POLYGON Fantasy Rivals – POLYGON Fantasy Characters
2021-09-01 19:08:27 121B unity polygon
行业教育软件-学习软件-软件下载_学习软件_早教启蒙_Puzzles 2_ Fantasy Pieces免费下载.zip
If you like this pack, do check out other Polygonal assets in the store list link provided above. You will find more similar assets that you can use together with this asset. For eg: Polygonal Fantasy Pack Polygonal Wings Pack Polygonal Creatures Pack Polygonal Aliens Pack Polygonal Skeletons Pack Polygonal Robot Hermit Polygonal Frightfly and more! Polygonal Series 3D models are in faceted style. Texture size is small and asset textures remain clear when close up. It will be a good addition to other faceted style environment packs. Polygonal Fantasy Pack Polygonal Fantasy Pack is a 3D assets pack with modular 3D characters and environment props in faceted style for your game development. Customize the look of your fantasy characters with attachable accessories and weapons like pauldrons, necklaces, swords, wands, shields and helmets etc. Change character's face to create different heroes for your game. Change character's costumes to give them a different work class like knight, mage and archer! Check out the tutorial images in the preview section to find out how to customize them. Note that: 1) No script is included in this pack. This is a 3d assets pack only. 2) No character animations are included in this pack. Characters are humanoid mecanim ready. It's compatible with Maximo animations. 3) Please see preview images and videos to know more about the content. The demo scenes in the package require the following free assets. Please download and import them into your project. 1) Post Processing Stack 2) Cinemachine 3) Unity's Standard assets > Character 3D files are in FBX and texture files are in PSD in the package. Additional fee may be required for other files. _________________________________ What is included in the pack? Costumes: - 360 base prefabs ( 3 skin color variation. Male and Female) - 7 color variations ( silver and gold version each) for costumes. Male (Number of mesh designs) : - 18 torso - 20 bottom - 6 shoes - 5 hands - 10 belts Femal
2021-07-23 21:06:19 121B unity polygon lowpoly shader
Fantasy Heroes 4-Directional Character Editor 3.0.unitypackage
2021-07-18 11:06:48 86.27MB unity 插件
Fantasy Heroes Character Editor PRO 3.9
2021-07-18 11:03:05 16.93MB unity 插件