wordpress平台之所以有这么多用户使用。不仅仅是因为wordpress部署简单,操作方便。更重要的是wordpress有丰富的主题和插件功能,使得wordpress网站在扩展上,灵活性更强。下面将介绍WP Statistics插件的安装及使用过程。
2020-02-13 03:10:17 2.35MB wpstatistics
This is an exellent book on wavelet in statistics.
2020-02-02 03:02:42 2.59MB Wavelet transform statistics
2020-01-22 03:07:55 5.02MB random probability
SPSS是全球领先的统计分析与数据挖掘产品,全名:Statistical Product and Service Solutions,成立于 1968年,是世界上应用最广泛的专业统计和数据模型软件之一。2009年 IBM 全资收购了 SPSS 公司,正式更名为“IBM SPSS”。SPSS Statistics 是一款统计分析软件,提供了执行全程分析所需的核心功能。它易于使用,包含范围广泛的过程和技术,能帮助您增加收入,超越竞争对手,组织调研并制定更好的决策。
2020-01-19 03:13:29 180B 下载地址
Statistics for Business and Economics这本书第八版的答案,欢迎下载
2020-01-10 03:02:23 1.78MB Statistics Business Economics Solutions
Categorical Data Analysis, Third Edition summarizes the latest methods for univariate and correlated multivariate categorical responses. Readers will find a unified generalized linear models approach that connects logistic regression and Poisson and negative binomial loglinear models for discrete data with normal regression for continuous data. ALAN AGRESTI is Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Department of Statistics at the University of Florida. He has presented short courses on categorical data methods in thirty countries.
2020-01-09 03:15:01 8.69MB Statistics 定性数据分析
Mathematical Statistics: Basic Ideas and Selected Topics, Volume I, Second Edition presents fundamental, classical statistical concepts at the doctorate level. It covers estimation, prediction, testing, confidence sets, Bayesian analysis, and the general approach of decision theory. This edition gives careful proofs of major results and explains how the theory sheds light on the properties of practical methods. The book first discusses non- and semiparametric models before covering parameters and parametric models. It then offers a detailed treatment of maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) and examines the theory of testing and confidence regions, including optimality theory for estimation and elementary robustness considerations. It next presents basic asymptotic approximations with one-dimensional parameter models as examples. The book also describes inference in multivariate (multiparameter) models, exploring asymptotic normality and optimality of MLEs, Wald and Rao statistics, generalized linear models, and more.
2020-01-09 03:10:01 6.54MB 统计学
Modelling Survival Data in Medical Research
2020-01-09 03:00:52 11.5MB Statistics
RISE University出的关于统计学的巨著! 具体目录为: 1.Sampling and Data 2.Descriptive Statistics 3.Probability Topics 4.Discrete Random Variables 5.Continuous Random Variables 6.The Normal Distribution 7.The Central Limit Theorem 8.Confidence Intervals 9.Hypothesis Testing with One Sample ......
2020-01-04 03:15:19 32.5MB Introductory Statistics openstax
IBM SPSS Statistics V21.0产品授权激活码
2020-01-03 11:43:46 524B 激活码