通过固相React法合成了一系列掺杂Eu3 +的红色荧光粉MMgP2O7(M = Ca,Sr,Ba)。 X射线粉末衍射(XRD)分析证实了纯CaMgP2O7,SrMgP2O7和BaMgP2O7相的形成。 MMgP2O7(M = Ca,Sr,Ba):Eu3 +荧光粉的光致发光光谱在约400 nm处显示出很强的激发峰,这与紫外发光二极管的特征发射(350-400 nm)耦合。 CaMgP2O7:Eu3 +,SrMgP2O7:Eu3 +和BaMgP2O7:Eu3 +荧光粉显示出强的发射带,分别在612、593和587 nm处达到峰值。 由于Ba2 +(0.142 nm),Sr2 +(0.126 nm),Ca2 +(0.112 nm),Mg2 +(0.072 nm)和Eu3 +(0.107 nm)之间离子大小的差异,Eu3 +离子有望替代CaMgP2O7中的不同位点。 ,SrMgP2O7和BaMgP2O7晶格。
2021-03-01 19:07:01 738KB phosphors; photoluminescence; LED solid-state
Two-dimensional (2D) Te nanosheets were successfully fabricated through the liquid-phase exfoliation (LPE) method. The nonlinear optical properties of 2D Te nanosheets were studied by the open-aperture Z-scan technique. Furthermore, the continuous wave mode-locked Nd:YVO
2021-03-01 17:05:39 1016KB 论文
Pure zinc blende structure GaAs/AlGaAs axial heterostructure nanowires (NWs) are grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition on GaAs(111) B substrates using Au-catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid mechanism. Al adatom enhances the influence of diameters on NWs growth rate. NWs are grown mainly through the contributions from the direct impingement of the precursors onto the alloy droplets and not so much from adatom diffusion. The results indicate that the droplet acts as a catalyst rather than an a
2021-02-26 09:06:27 1.96MB 纳米线 闪锌矿 GaAs AlGaAs
数据恢复是数字取证研究的重要组成部分。 尽管已经对从硬盘驱动器或小型移动设备恢复数据进行了深入研究,但是固态磁盘(SSD)具有非常不同的内部体系结构和一些其他功能,尚不清楚这些差异是否会影响数据恢复。 。 数据加扰是SSD控制器的一项附加功能,可以提高数据可靠性,但使数据恢复变得困难。 在这项研究中,首次引入了专用的闪存软件,该软件可以在不破坏设备硬件的情况下获取SSD的物理映像。 基于该软件,提出了一个验证实验,以评估数据加扰对数据恢复的影响,并分析了造成这种影响的原因。 然后提出了两种对闪存芯片中的数据进行解扰的方法,并讨论了它们的优缺点。 之后,描述了用于识别用于对加扰数据进行加扰的加扰种子的过程。 最后,基于第二种解扰方法实现了解扰软件。 实验表明,该软件可以成功解密SSD闪存驱动器中的数据,而不管SSD控制器中加密器的内部结构如何,并且可以生成未加密的物理映像,在该映像上大多数现有的数据恢复技术都可以有效地发挥作用。
2021-02-25 17:05:39 2.37MB Solid-state disks; Digital forensics;
A new approach to quantify the lung nodule speculation levels in CT (computed tomography) images was proposed. Firstly, two-dimensional image of nodule was generated by using the spiral scan technology. Secondly, the lung nodule was segmented in the two-dimensional image using the dynamic programming. Thirdly, based on the expanded regions from the segmented boundary, the speculation was segmented by use of threshold segmentation. Fourthly, the feature region where speculation may exist was extr
2021-02-22 14:06:23 419KB lung nodules; CT (computed
Solid Edge 培训资料 编号:01424
2021-02-20 19:02:15 1.83MB SolidEdge
Solid Edge 培训资料 编号:01510
2021-02-20 19:02:14 1.96MB SolidEdge
Solid Edge 培训资料 编号:01515 构造基本特征
2021-02-20 19:02:14 1.5MB SolidEdge
Solid Edge 培训资料 编号:01520
2021-02-20 19:02:14 2.46MB SolidEdge