一本很经典的天线专业,editor: J R James & P s Hall!
2021-06-09 15:58:41 15.06MB Handbook of Microstrip Antennas
This document addresses robustness of electrical/electronic modules for use in automotive applications. Where practical, methods of extrinsic reliability detection and prevention will also be addressed. This document primarily deals with electrical/electronic modules (EEMs), but can easily be adapted for use on mechatronics, sensors, actuators and switches. EEM qualification is the main scope of this document. Other procedures addressing random failures are specifically addressed in the CPI (Component Process Interaction) section 10. This document is to be used within the context of the Zero Defect concept for component manufacturing and product use. It is recommended that the robustness of semiconductor devices and other components used in the EEM be assured using SAE J1879 OCT2007, Handbook for Robustness Validation of Semiconductor Devices in Automotive Applications.
2021-06-09 15:55:15 1.94MB Robustness
Handbook of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for Mobility Models国外经典介绍移动模型的书籍
2021-06-09 15:06:54 38.26MB Ad Hoc Mobility Models
Cascading Style Sheet 2.0 Handbook - Rainer's DHTML Library.chm_样式表中文手册
2021-06-08 22:58:07 538KB Cascading  样式
Power electronics, which is a rapidly growing area in terms of research and applications, uses modern electronics technology to convert electric power from one form to another, such as ac-dc, dc-dc, dc-ac, and ac-ac with a variable output magnitude and frequency. It has many applications in our every day life such as air-conditioners, electric cars, sub-way trains, motor drives, renewable energy sources and power supplies for computers. This book covers all aspects of switching devices, converter circuit topologies, control techniques, analytical methods and some examples of their applications.
2021-06-08 11:23:23 42.52MB POWER ELECTRONICS HANDBOOK Muhammad
This book covers all aspects of switching devices, converter circuit topologies, control techniques, analytical methods and some examples of their applications.
2021-06-08 11:22:50 116.49MB 电力电子手册 Power Electronic
The SAR HandBook.pdf
2021-06-05 17:03:26 51.83MB SAR
Modern developments in theoretical and applied science depend on knowledge of the properties of mathematical functions, from elementary trigonometric functions to the multitude of special functions. These functions appear whenever natural phenomena are studied, engineering problems are formulated, and numerical simulations are performed. They also crop up in statistics, financial models, and economic analysis. Using them effectively requires practitioners to have ready access to a reliable collection of their properties. This handbook results from a 10-year project conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology with an international group of expert authors and validators. Printed in full color, it is destined to replace its predecessor, the classic but long-outdated Handbook of Mathematical Functions, edited by Abramowitz and Stegun. Included with every copy of the book is a CD with a searchable PDF of each chapter.
2021-06-01 20:32:01 27.8MB Handbook Mathematical Functions
How to create world-class agility, reliability, & security in technology organizations
2021-05-31 23:54:17 4.02MB DevOps Agility
声学手册 国外声学手册中较好的一本,国内的只有马先生的一本
2021-05-31 15:36:32 6.53MB Acoustics