T h is book contains inform ation obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and inform ation, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity o f all m aterials or the consequences o f their use. T he authors and publishers have attem pted to trace the copyright holders o f all m aterial reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if perm ission to publish in this form has not been obtained. If any copyright m aterial has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint.
2021-05-13 22:49:54 15.37MB MCMC
Machinerys Handbook Introduction to machining and other rule of thumb a very good practical handbook to have when work in machine shop and some daily manufacturing wand engineering work.
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This book provides system administrators, developers, and architects with the knowledge to configure a WebSphere Application Server V6 runtime environment, to package and deploy Web applications, and to perform ongoing management of the WebSphere environment. One in a series of handbooks, the entire series is designed to give you in-depth information about the entire range of WebSphere Application Server products. In this book, we provide a detailed exploration of the WebSphere Application Server V6 runtime environments and administration process.
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2021-05-09 20:14:26 47.31MB ELECTRIC MOTORS
2021-05-06 23:13:23 12.45MB 浏览器 攻击
DR.John L.Volakis 所著《Antenna Engineering Handbook》第四版。
2021-05-06 20:57:10 62.23MB 天线 handbook DR.John L.Volakis
Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook 通信行业经典工具书
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本供应商手册适用于直接向特斯拉供应零件和/或材料的供应商。 它可与相关行业标准一起工作,并阐明特斯拉的要求和期望。 特斯拉致力于成为世界一流的创新领导者,并为支持这一承诺,根据其卓越的运营和方法选择供应商。 我们经常评估我们的供应商,并完全希望与考虑到特斯拉最大利益的人继续业务。
2021-05-06 15:02:54 414KB tesla 特斯拉 供应商 手册
人脸识别手册(Handbook_of_Face_Recognition) 中科院自动化所李子青的大作,经典人脸识别学习手册,值得收藏。
2021-05-06 10:30:47 16.95MB 人脸识别手册 Face Recognition 李子青
2021-05-04 22:02:20 10MB 欧陆温控仪 Modbus通讯