从DDPM到score-based generative models再到Consistency Models的介绍,对于扩散模型的全面理解有一定的帮助。
2024-06-13 12:21:17 51.62MB 扩散模型 人工智能
用于无法访问hugging face并需要运行stable-diffusion-webui时使用
2024-03-20 19:12:00 1.26MB
2024-02-24 17:48:27 234KB 首发论文
2024最新Sora论文(Video generation models as world simulators)的引用文件,包含bib、txt(用于endnote),rdf。 - 方便论文写作直接使用
2024-02-21 09:17:46 4.91MB 毕业设计
Petri Nets Fundamental Models
2024-01-05 00:20:19 3.7MB Book Petri Nets
【多模态大模型综述】 使用 gpt3.5 精细翻译,完美融合图片等内容 由微软7位华人研究员撰写,足足119页 它从目前已经完善的和还处于最前沿的两类多模态大模型研究方向出发,全面总结了五个具体研究主题: - 视觉理解 - 视觉生成 - 统一视觉模型 - LLM加持的多模态大模型 - 多模态 agent 本报告一共7位作者。 发起人和整体负责人为 Chunyuan Li。 他是微软雷德蒙德首席研究员,博士毕业于杜克大学,最近研究兴趣为 CV 和 NLP 中的大规模预训练。 他负责了开头介绍和结尾总结以及“利用 LLM 训练的多模态大模型”这章的撰写。 核心作者一共 4位: Zhe Gan Zhengyuan Yang Jianwei Yang Linjie Li 他们分别负责了剩下四个主题章节的撰写。
2023-10-25 15:55:11 55.51MB 范文/模板/素材 microsoft 自然语言处理
Ross's classic bestseller, Introduction to Probability Models, has been used extensively by professionals and as the primary text for a first undergraduate course in applied probability. It provides an introduction to elementary probability theory and stochastic processes, and shows how probability theory can be applied to the study of phenomena in fields such as engineering, computer science, management science, the physical and social sciences, and operations research. With the addition of several new sections relating to actuaries, this text is highly recommended by the Society of Actuaries. A new section (3.7) on COMPOUND RANDOM VARIABLES, that can be used to establish a recursive formula for computing probability mass functions for a variety of common compounding distributions. A new section (4.11) on HIDDDEN MARKOV CHAINS, including the forward and backward approaches for computing the joint probability mass function of the signals, as well as the Viterbi algorithm for determining the most likely sequence of states. Simplified Approach for Analyzing Nonhomogeneous Poisson processes Additional results on queues relating to the (a) conditional distribution of the number found by an M/M/1 arrival who spends a time t in the system,; (b) inspection paradox for M/M/1 queues (c) M/G/1 queue with server breakdown Many new examples and exercises.
2023-10-07 10:56:34 3.65MB Probability Stochastic Process
TensorFlow中的深度学习模型 该存储库包含使用实现几种深度学习模型的jupyter笔记本。 每个笔记本均包含有关每种型号的详细说明,希望可以简化所有步骤。 笔记本在Python 3.6,Tensorflow 1.8中运行 楷模:
2023-05-08 23:00:21 270KB python machine-learning deep-learning notebook
敏锐模型动物园 Acuity模型动物园包含一组由Acuity工具包创建或转换的流行神经网络模型(来自Caffe,Tensorflow,PyTorch,TFLite,DarkNet或ONNX)。 模型查看器 Acuity使用JSON格式描述神经网络模型,并且我们提供了一个来帮助可视化数据流图。 从4.6.8开始,模型查看器是一部分。 分类 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( OriginModel ) Mobilenet-v2 ( OriginModel ) Mobilenet-v3 ( OriginModel ) EfficientNet ( OriginModel ) EfficientNet(EdgeTPU) ( OriginModel ) Nasnet-Large ( OriginModel ) Nasnet-Mobile ( Or
2023-05-03 14:32:56 1.64MB caffe deep-learning neural-network model-zoo