Power electronics, which is a rapidly growing area in terms of research and applications, uses modern electronics technology to convert electric power from one form to another, such as ac-dc, dc-dc, dc-ac, and ac-ac with a variable output magnitude and frequency. It has many applications in our every day life such as air-conditioners, electric cars, sub-way trains, motor drives, renewable energy sources and power supplies for computers. This book covers all aspects of switching devices, converter circuit topologies, control techniques, analytical methods and some examples of their applications.
2021-06-08 11:23:23 42.52MB POWER ELECTRONICS HANDBOOK Muhammad
通过压缩感测和深度学习实现大型智能表面 这是与以下文章相关的MATLAB代码包:Abdelrahman Taha,Muhammad Alrabeiah和Ahmed Alkhateeb,“”,IEEE Access,2021年3月,doi:10.1109 / ACCESS.2021.3064073。 文章摘要 采用大型智能表面(LIS)是提高未来无线系统的覆盖范围和速率的有前途的解决方案。 这些表面包含大量近乎无源的元素,这些元素与入射信号相互作用,例如通过反射入射信号,从而以一种聪明的方式提高了无线系统的性能。 假定对通道有充分的了解,以前的工作主要集中在LIS反射矩阵的设计上。 然而,在LIS上估计这些信道是一个关键的挑战性问题,并且由于LIS元素数量巨大,因此与大量的培训开销相关联。 本文通过利用压缩感知和深度学习的工具,为这些问题提供了有效的解决方案。 首先,提出了一种基于稀疏信道传
2021-06-07 03:06:17 109KB MATLAB
Scully, Marlan O. Zubairy, Muhammad Suhail = Quantum Optics.
2020-01-17 03:01:20 6.39MB 量子光学