plant simulation初学者都会为英文版的帮助文件烦恼,这里提供一本翻译后的软件功能更新说明,仅供大家学习交流
2021-11-11 13:06:49 1.66MB Plant Simulation Tecnomatix plant
Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation using R。R语言的经典书,不用多介绍了把。
2021-11-10 14:28:16 7.64MB R语言
flow3d welding numerical simulation
2021-11-10 11:27:42 197.57MB flow3d welding numerical simulation
Noxim-NoC模拟器 欢迎来到Noxim,这是由卡塔尼亚大学(意大利)开发的片上网络模拟器。 Noxim仿真器是使用SystemC(一种基于C ++的系统描述语言)开发的,可以根据GPL许可条款进行下载。 如果您在研究中使用Noxim,我们将在以下No No贡献的出版物中给予以下引用: V. Catania,A。Mineo,S。Monteleone,M。Palesi和D. Patti,“通过在线选择缓冲器和关闭接收器来提高无线芯片网络架构的能效”,2016年第13届IEEE年度消费者通信和网络会议( CCNC),内华达州拉斯维加斯,2016年,第668-673页,doi:10.1109 / CCNC.2016.7444860。 V. Catania,A。Mineo,S。Monteleone,M。Palesi和D. Patti,“无线芯片上无线网络架构中的节能收发器”,2016年欧
2021-11-10 10:02:02 4.18MB university simulation network-analysis systemc
瑞利衰落matlab代码Simulation_wireless_channels 多径衰落信道的仿真:Jake仿真器的改进 在此存储库中,可以找到在2016/2017学年期间在帕多瓦大学修读的“无线通信”课程的专业项目。 说明:Matlab实现了瑞利和里奇通道的几个模拟器。 如何使用代码:-打开以下两个文件夹中的“ Rician”或“ Rayleigh”-运行“ main.m”以启动仿真 作者:Ciprian Matteo,Guglielmo Camporese
2021-11-09 19:50:21 41.1MB 系统开源
2021-11-09 18:23:34 1.06MB battery simulation matlab ekf
分子动力学模拟最为经典的一本书。 Contents: 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Historical background 1 1.2 Computer simulation 2 1.3 Molecular dynamics 4 1.4 Organization 8 1.5 Further reading 10 2 Basic molecular dynamics 11 2.1 Introduction 11 2.2 Soft-disk fluid 11 2.3 Methodology 18 2.4 Programming 20 2.5 Results 34 2.6 Further study 43 3 Simulating simple systems 44 3.1 Introduction 44 3.2 Equations of motion 44 3.3 Potential functions 46 3.4 Interaction computations 49 3.5 Integration methods 60 3.6 Initial state 67 3.7 Performance measurements 74 3.8 Trajectory sensitivity 77 3.9 Further study 82 v vi Contents 4 Equilibrium properties of simple fluids 83 4.1 Introduction 83 4.2 Thermodynamic measurements 84 4.3 Structure 90 4.4 Packing studies 96 4.5 Cluster analysis 112 4.6 Further study 118 5 Dynamical properties of simple fluids 120 5.1 Introduction 120 5.2 Transport coefficients 120 5.3 Measuring transport coefficients 124 5.4 Space–time correlation functions 134 5.5 Measurements 145 5.6 Further study 152 6 Alternative ensembles 153 6.1 Introduction 153 6.2 Feedback methods 154 6.3 Constraint methods 165 6.4 Further study 174 7 Nonequilibrium dynamics 176 7.1 Introduction 176 7.2 Homogeneous and inhomogeneous systems 176 7.3 Direct measurement 177 7.4 Modified dynamics 188 7.5 Further study 198 8 Rigid molecules 199 8.1 Introduction 199 8.2 Dynamics 200 8.3 Molecular construction 216 8.4 Measurements 222 8.5 Rotation matrix representation 232 8.6 Further study 243 9 Flexible molecules 245 9.1 Introduction 245 9.2 Description of molecule 245 9.3 Implementation details 247 9.4 Properties 251 9.5 Modeling structure formation 256 Contents vii 9.6 Surfactant models 257 9.7 Surfactant behavior 262 9.8 Further study 266 10 Geometrically constrained molecules 267 10.1 Introduction 267 10.2 Geometric constraints 267 10.3 Solving the constraint problem 270 10.4 Internal forces 278 10.5 Implementation details 286 10.6 Measurements 291 10.7 Further study 294 11 Internal coordinates 296 11.1 Introd
2021-11-09 14:34:30 7.09MB Molecular Dynamics Simulation Rapaport
Numerical Simulation in Molecular Dynamics 2007
2021-11-08 21:22:14 8.88MB Numerical Simulation in Molecular
OFDM is the key technology of 4G mobile communications. However, in the OFDM modulation, high PAPR sets up a barrier to its practice. Based on the briefly introduced conception of OFDM-PAPR, the program focuses on the simulation and comparision of clipping method and selected mapping method.
2021-11-08 17:18:26 3KB ofdm papr reduction simulation
影子模拟器 Shadow是一个独特的离散事件网络模拟器,它可以运行Tor和Bitcoin等实际应用程序,以及在一台计算机上包含数千个节点的分布式系统。 Shadow将仿真的准确性与仿真的效率和控制相结合,实现了两种方法中的最佳方法。 快速安装(将所有内容安装在~/.shadow ): $ ./setup build --clean --debug $ ./setup install 详细文件 问题和错误报告: 影子插件和项目开发: 主页: 贡献 可以通过GitHub提交拉取请求来做出贡献。
2021-11-08 10:21:44 4.06MB networking simulation emulation tor