在VS2015环境下64位、32位编译通过。High-speed Charting Control--MFC绘制图表(折线图、柱形图)控件。中文翻译文档可参照https://blog.csdn.net/xuanyuanlei1020/article/details/53487107
2021-06-05 15:56:21 578KB MFC 绘图控件 折线图 柱形图
vue-ueditor-wrap 一个“包装”了 UEditor 的 Vue 组件,支持通过 v-model 来绑定富文本编辑器的内容,让 UEditor 的使用简单到像 Input 框一样。 :fire:   :rainbow:   :compass: Installation # vue-ueditor-wrap v3 仅支持 Vue 3 npm i vue-ueditor-wrap@3.x # 或者 yarn add vue-ueditor-wrap@3.x Quick Start 下载 UEditor 编码方式\语言 PHP NET JSP ASP utf8 gbk UEditor 并不支持通过 npm 的方式来安装,vue-ueditor-wrap 也只是一个 Vue 组件,组件本身并不是 UEditor 的 Vue 版。了解 UEditor 基本使用,请参考 。 不同语言的 UEditor,前端部分,并
2021-06-04 10:53:28 28.56MB vue ueditor v-model 附件源码
图书电子版:High Efficiency Video Coding(HEVC) Algorithms and Architectures(英文版) 个人认为是学习HEVC相关知识的好辅助材料~~~~挺实用的……
2021-06-04 10:08:36 10.86MB HEVC Algorithms
NanoDet 超快速,轻量的无锚物体检测模型。 在移动设备上实时。 :high_voltage: 超轻量级:模型文件只有1.8 MB。 :high_voltage: 超快:移动ARM CPU上97fps(10.23ms)。 :smiling_face_with_sunglasses: 易于培训:GPU内存成本比其他型号低得多。 GTX1060 6G上可使用批处理大小= 80。 :smiling_face_with_sunglasses: 易于部署:基于ncnn推理框架提供C ++实现和Android演示。 消息!!! [2021.03.12]将变压器编码器应用于NanoDet! 引入NanoDet-t ,用TAN(变压器关注网络)替代NanoDet-m中的PAN,在COCO val 2017上获得21.7 mAP(+1.1)。有关更多详细信息,请检查 。 [2021.03.03]更新了Nanodet-m-416 COCO预训练模型。 可可mAP(0.5:0.95)= 23.5 。 在下载。 [2021.02.03]支持和主干。 请检查。
2021-06-03 20:30:22 1.27MB android deep-neural-networks deep-learning pytorch
This paper describes a new control algorithm which can enhance the dynamics of a sensorless control system and gives a precise sensorless control performance. Instead of the conventional sinusoidal-type voltage injection, a square-wave-type voltage injection incorporated with the associated signal processing method is proposed in this paper. As a result, the error signal can be calculated without low-pass filters and time delays, and the position estimation performance can be enhanced. Using the proposed method, the performance of the sensorless control can be enhanced; the bandwidth of the current controller was enhanced up to 250 Hz, and that of the speed controller was up to 50 Hz.
2021-06-03 20:24:33 1.83MB 高频注入 电机控制
High Performance Computing Modern Systems and Practices Thomas Sterling 2017
2021-06-02 10:19:13 47.25MB High  Computing
本测试适用于所有固态设备的评估、筛选、监控和/或鉴定。 高温存储测试通常用于确定存储条件下时间和温度对固态电子设备(包括非易失性存储设备)的热激活故障机制和故障时间分布的影响(数据保留故障机制)。 热激活失效机制使用加速的 Arrhenius 方程建模。 在测试期间,使用加速应力温度而不应用电气条件。 此测试可能具有破坏性,具体取决于时间、温度和包装(如果有)。
2021-05-31 17:03:49 478KB JEDEC JESD22-A103E 高温 储存
In this paper, we focus on the problem of motion tracking in unknown environments using visual and inertial sensors.We term this estimation task visual-inertial odometry (VIO), in analogy to the well-known visual-odometry problem. We present a detailed study of EKF-based VIO algorithms, by comparing both their theoretical properties and empirical performance. We show that an EKF formulation where the state vector comprises a sliding window of poses (the MSCKF algorithm) attains better accuracy, consistency, and computational efficiency than the SLAM formulation of the EKF, in which the state vector contains the current pose and the features seen by the camera. Moreover, we prove that both types of EKF approaches are inconsistent, due to the way in which Jacobians are computed. Specifically, we show that the observability properties of the EKF’s linearized system models do not match those of the underlying system, which causes the filters to underestimate the uncertainty in the state estimates. Based on our analysis, we propose a novel, real-time EKF-based VIO algorithm, which achieves consistent estimation by (i) ensuring the correct observability properties of its linearized system model, and (ii) performing online estimation of the camera-to-IMU calibration parameters. This algorithm, which we term MSCKF 2.0, is shown to achieve accuracy and consistency higher than even an iterative, sliding-window fixed-lag smoother, in both Monte-Carlo simulations and real-world testing. I
2021-05-28 16:20:21 735KB VIO limingyang
VS2010中使用CChartCtrl高速绘图实例 详细用法: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/miscctrl/High-speedCharting.aspx
2021-05-28 11:13:08 468KB CChartCtrl类 VS2010 High-speed