Overview of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Standard.pdf
2021-05-16 09:06:06 4MB 视频编码
High-Dimensional Probability An Introduction with Applications in Data Science
2021-05-11 16:27:55 4.34MB 统计机器学习 高纬数据分析
一本经典的介绍高动态范围的图书,英文版 High dynamic range imaging is an emerging field, and for good reasons. You are either already convinced about that, or we hope to convince you with this book. At the same time, research in this area is an amazing amount of fun, and we hope that some of that shines through as well.
2021-05-10 01:43:15 31.17MB HDR
本资源为USENIX ATC '20 - A Decentralized Blockchain with High Throughput and Fast Confirmation中作者演讲PPT和演讲的完整视频,介绍了现有比特币、以太坊或GHOST等系统存在的缺陷,引出了本论文的系统框架——Conflux,着重介绍了区别于最长链原则的“最重链”原则,并进行了实验仿真。
2021-05-07 14:38:19 34.77MB 区块链 Conflux 最重链原则 有向无环图DAG
VPX机箱规格书,很好的结构设计参考。 The VPX6VR180 is a 6U vertical-mount chassis that holds up to sixteen 3U slots at a 1.0” pitch. It features powerful reverse impeller RiCool blowers that reside directly above the card cage. The blowers provide up to 382 CFM in the chassis, pulling air from the front bottom of the enclosure and blowing the exhaust 90 degrees out the rear of the enclosure for a very efficient cooling configuration. The modular card guides can be adjusted to allow 1.0” pitch or other spacing in .2” increments. Conduction-cooled card guides are also available for testing and development. The VPX6VR180 has various power and backplane configuration options, VITA 66/67 and SOSA-based designs. Consult Pixus for off-the-shelf options and customized configurations. Pixus Technologies’ products leverage Rittal’s sleek European quality mechanical designs without the hefty price tag. Customers enjoy proven, time-tested designs that are built in one of the largest manufacturing centers for electronics packaging in the world. With Pixus’ subsystem integration expertise, the result is the best value in the industry for electronics enclosure systems.
2021-05-06 21:02:55 1.47MB VPX 机箱
ISSCC2021_Session_33V_High-Voltage, GaN and Wireless Power.pdf
2021-05-04 14:04:10 27.46MB ISSCC
2021-05-04 09:03:59 5.84MB ISSCC2021
highly efficient LRU implementations for high associative cache memory
2021-04-29 09:01:35 658KB lru
最新姿态估计模型HRnet 论文:Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation, Sun etc, CVPR 2019
2021-04-29 01:47:22 7.03MB 姿态估计
2021-04-29 01:28:21 118KB high-speed-chart MFC