真棒能量预测 有关能源预测的文件,代码和其他资源清单。 竞赛 文件 2020年 Ahmad,W.,Ayub,N.,Ali,T.,Irfan,M.,Awais,M.,Shiraz,M.,&Glowacz,A.(2020年)。 使用改进的支持向量机和极限学习机进行短期电力负荷预测。 Energies,13(11),2907。 Yagli,GM,Yang,D.,Gandhi,O.,&Srinivasan,D.(2020年)。 我们是否可以用卫星衍生的太阳辐照度证明产生单变量机器学习预测是合理的? 应用能源,259,114122。 Yagli,GM,Yang,D.,&Srinivasan,D.(2019年)。 使用机器学习模型进行小时自动太阳预报。 可再生与可持续能源评论,105,487-498。 Ahmed,R.,Sreeram,V.,Mishra,Y.,&Arif,MD(2020)。 对
用Go语言编写的kmeans k均值聚类算法实现它做了什么k-means聚类将多维数据集划分为k个聚类,其中每个数据点均属于用m个最近的kmeans k-means聚类算法实现的聚类k-均值聚类的作用将多维数据集划分为k个聚类,其中每个数据点均以最接近的均值属于聚类,用作聚类的原型。 我什么时候应该使用它? 当您拥有数字,多维数据集时,就没有数据标签了。您确切知道要将数据划分为Example导入的几个集群(“ github.com/muesli/kmeans”
2023-02-27 16:49:36 3.66MB Golang Data Structures
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2023-02-26 15:07:43 3.71MB r maps gis spatial-data
1 NoSQL 1.1 需求 高并发读写 海量数据的高效率存储与访问 高可扩展性和高可用性 1.2 产品分类 分类 代表产品 典型应用场景 数据模型 优点 缺点 键值(key-value) Tokyo Cabinet/Tyrant, Redis, Voldemort, Oracle BDB 内容缓存,主要用于处理大量数据的高访问负载,也用于一些日志系统等等 Key 指向 Value 的键值对,通常用HashTable来实现 查找速度快 数据无结构化,通常只被当作字符串或者二进制数据 列存储数据库 Cassandra, HBase, Riak 分布式的文件系统 以列簇式存储,将同一列数据存在一起 查找速度快,可扩展性强,更容易进行分布式扩展 功能相对局限 文档型数据库 CouchDB, MongoDb Web应用(与Key-Value类似,Value是结构化的,不同的是数据库能够了解Valu
2023-02-26 14:38:38 12KB redis jedis Java
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数据可视化 :bar_chart: 可拖拽配置的可视化监控视图,易与扩展 目前只完成了拖拽组件的配置及组件的合并与放大缩小,视图的预览功能。后面会增加单独的组件的属性修改配置并添加 依赖组件及插件 用于构造基本框架及部分拖拽组件的引用的元素(图片,走马灯拖拽组件) v-charts图形拖拽组件使用,因简化了echarts的配置,非常好使 vue-charts图形拖拽组件,当v-charts满足不了需求时使用,相当于原生的echarts echarts原生echarts,上面的两个图形组件都有依赖到,也可以使用echarts自定义组件 InteractJs适用于现代浏览器的js规模,调整大小的库 效果展示 配置
2023-02-26 00:03:54 1.23MB visualization data vue visual
Scientists today collect samples of curves and other functional observations. This monograph presents many ideas and techniques for such data. Included are expressions in the functional domain of such classics as linear regression, principal components analysis, linear modelling, and canonical correlation analysis, as well as specifically functional techniques such as curve registration and principal differential analysis. Data arising in real applications are used throughout for both motivation and illustration, showing how functional approaches allow us to see new things, especially by exploiting the smoothness of the processes generating the data. The data sets exemplify the wide scope of functional data analysis; they are drwan from growth analysis, meterology, biomechanics, equine science, economics, and medicine.The book presents novel statistical technology while keeping the mathematical level widely accessible. It is designed to appeal to students, to applied data analysts, and to experienced researchers; it will have value both within statistics and across a broad spectrum of other fields. Much of the material is based on the authors' own work, some of which appears here for the first time.Jim Ramsay is Professor of Psychology at McGill University and is an international authority on many aspects of multivariate analysis. He draws on his collaboration with researchers in speech articulation, motor control, meteorology, psychology, and human physiology to illustrate his technical contributions to functional data analysis in a wide range of statistical and application journals.Bernard Silverman, author of the highly regarded "Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis," and coauthor of "Nonparametric Regression and Generalized Linear Models: A Roughness Penalty Approach," is Professor of Statistics at Bristol University. His published work on smoothing methods and other aspects of applied, computational, and theoretical statistics has been recognized by the Presidents' Award of the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies, and the award of two Guy Medals by the Royal Statistical Society.
2023-02-25 21:32:29 3.2MB Functional Analysis
当提供不适当的参数或将其应用于由具有不同形状,大小和密度的聚类组成的数据集时,大多数聚类算法将变得无效。 为了缓解这些不足,我们提出了一种新颖的拆分合并层次聚类方法,其中采用最小生成树(MST)和基于MST的图来指导拆分和合并过程。 在分割过程中,选择基于MST的图中具有高度的顶点作为初始原型,并使用K均值来分割数据集。 在合并过程中,将对子组对进行过滤,并且仅考虑相邻对。 所提出的方法除了簇数以外不需要任何参数。 实验结果证明了其在合成和真实数据集上的有效性。
2023-02-25 08:54:26 1.76MB Data sets; Hierarchical clustering