FPGA上的可扩展矩阵矩阵乘法 该存储库包括用于Xilinx FPGA的矩阵矩阵乘法(A * B = C)的纯Vivado HLS实现,使用Xilinx Vitis / SDx / SDAccel实例化内存和PCIe控制器并与主机接口。 在上进行的实验实现了一半,单精度和双精度的462 GFLOP / s,301 GFLOP / s和132 GFLOP / s,其中跨越三个SLR的路由是主要瓶颈,阻止了进一步扩展。 该代码不是特定于设备的,可以为Xilinx OpenCL运行时支持的任何Xilinx FPGA进行配置。 内核也已验证可在TUL KU115和Alveo U250板上执行,结果相似。 该实现使用脉动阵列方法,其中线性连接的处理元素计算对输出矩阵图块的外部乘积的不同贡献。 在 [1]中介绍了用于实现该内核的方法。 有关我们应用的优化技术的一般说明,请参阅有关的文章[2]。
2021-09-16 09:28:32 46KB fpga hls high-level-synthesis vivado-hls
2021-09-10 22:47:31 71KB 浙大 pat
A-Level A2 Computer Science 计算机资料 (P3, P4 概念全面总结及头脑导图)
2021-09-09 17:00:56 943KB A-Level计算机复习资料
SAP GUI 760 Patch Level 6 补丁程序级别6 GUI760_6-80003144
2021-09-08 12:26:29 161.76MB SAPGUI 760 Patch
版本:2.0.4 更新时间:20210421 文档介绍了 LDDS 系统中 Level-2 行情数据的接入方式,详细说明了 Level-2 实时数据的数据格式。
2021-09-06 13:04:33 336KB 股票 Level2 量化
附件是英文版的。 这是 Bjarne Stroustrup 的一篇论文。要小心,因为这非常困难。
2021-09-03 18:08:06 129KB c++
1.An Architectural Approach To Level Design 2014; 2.英文原版,PDF格式; 3.内容简介: This is a book about level design. It is also about how to look at designed space, which game levels, environments, and worlds most certainly are. Real-world architecture, urban environments, and gardens are also designed spaces. At some point, a designer (it doesn’t matter which kind; design is mostly universal) sat down to solve a problem that could only be solved by designing an interactive space. This problem could be how to best capture sunlight coming through a window, embody a religious idea, accentuate an important clue to solving a puzzle, or provide the best position for fragging competitors in an online game. Sometimes these spaces are loved by the people who use them, whether it is a home to raise a family, a plaza to enjoy a latte and some people watching, or a city in which to shoot gangsters and jump cars off of piers. Comparing level design and architecture can be very simple. It can also allow us to reveal things about both we have not seen before. This book reflects on both based on how they solve problems and create meaningful experiences for those using them. From these reflections, this book provides an architectural approach to level design that emphasizes spatial design for maximum user engagement.
2021-08-30 12:35:57 16.55MB Architecture 架构设计 LevelDesign Interactive
Attached is Wiley's smart sheet for CFA Level 1 Exam in 2018. Good reference for 2019 test too
2021-08-29 16:49:12 1.73MB CFA CFA Level 1
Q Skills for Success Level 4 Listening and Speaking.pdf!
2021-08-25 23:28:59 40.81MB 英语 Q skills
Q Skills for Success Level 5 Listening and Speaking.pdf!
2021-08-25 22:42:39 32.93MB 英语 Q Skills