Network Flows - Theory, Algorithms, And Applications (第六部分) 网络流:理论、算法与应用 英文版 网络流的经典书籍,已经绝版,在所有网站都买不到了,很艰难才找到的!请各位爱好者支持下! 文件类型为djvu,请自己在windows下搜索安装WinDjView即可!
2019-12-21 20:05:17 3.24MB 网络流 NetworkFlows Theory Algorithms
2019-12-21 20:05:11 47.41MB MPC
Gaussian Markov Random Fields:Theory and Applications 是Rue.Havard所写的关于高斯马尔科夫随机场的经典书籍,很难求得。(高斯马尔科夫随机场:理论和应用)
JFLAP官方版,用于计算机理论与自动及理论的java软件,与Peter Linz 的formal languages and automata 配套
2019-12-21 20:04:39 10.34MB flap 官方英文版, computer theory
由微软的xuedong Huang编写的语音信号处理经典教程,Spoken Language Processing A Guide to Theory Algorithm and System Development
2019-12-21 20:03:48 6.76MB Spoken Langu
《通信的数学理论》\nA Mathematical Theory of Communication信息论的奠基性论文,美国数学家C.E.香农所著。这篇论文的发表标志一门新的学科──信息论的诞生。 压缩包为论文英文版+中文版,均为PDF超清,方便学习
2019-12-21 20:03:05 1.45MB 通信 数学理论 中文版 英文版
2019-12-21 20:02:38 4.59MB 卡尔曼滤波 matlab 代码
检测估计和调制理论Harry L.Van Trees 阵列处理技术的基础,电气工程学科国际知名教材
2019-12-21 20:02:22 41.51MB 检测 估计 调制
Plates and Shell的经典书籍,里面详细参数了从经典板壳理论到剪切板壳理论的基本理论知识
2019-12-21 20:01:18 5.47MB Plates and Shells
Offering an up-to-date account of the strategies utilized in state estimation of electric power systems, this text provides a broad overview of power system operation and the role of state estimation in overall energy management. It uses an abundance of examples, models, tables, and guidelines to clearly examine new aspects of state estimation, the testing of network observability, and methods to assure computational efficiency. Includes numerous tutorial examples that fully analyze problems posed by the inclusion of current measurements in existing state estimators and illustrate practical solutions to these challenges. Written by two expert researchers in the field, Power System State Estimation extensively details topics never before covered in depth in any other text, including novel robust state estimation methods, estimation of parameter and topology errors, and the use of ampere measurements for state estimation. It introduces various methods and computational issues involved in the formulation and implementation of the weighted least squares (WLS) approach, presents statistical tests for the detection and identification of bad data in system measurements, and reveals alternative topological and numerical formulations for the network observability problem.
2019-12-21 20:00:02 11.2MB Power System State Estimation