完整英文版 ISO 31000:2018 Risk management- Guidelines(风险管理- 指南)。本文档提供了有关管理组织面临的风险的指南。 这些指南的应用可以针对任何组织及其环境进行定制。 本文档提供了管理任何类型风险的通用方法,并且不针对特定行业或部门。 本文档可在组织的整个生命周期中使用,并可应用于任何活动,包括各级决策。
2022-02-15 11:03:25 809KB ISO 31000 风险管理 指南
PMP Risk Managemenet.docx
2022-02-08 18:00:12 23KB 安全
This book contains twelve papers dealing with the economics of uncertainty published by Professor Arrow over the past two decades. The collection represents an awesome landmark of breadth and depth and seems destined to become a classic in a field
2022-01-26 11:39:14 234KB riskbearing
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The Second Edition of this best-selling book expands its advanced approach to financial risk models by covering market, credit, and integrated risk. With new data that cover the recent financial crisis, it combines Excel-based empirical exercises at the end of each chapter with online exercises so readers can use their own data. Its unified GARCH modeling approach, empirically sophisticated and relevant yet easy to implement, sets this book apart from others. Five new chapters and updated end-of-chapter questions and exercises, as well as Excel-solutions manual, support its step-by-step approach to choosing tools and solving problems.
2022-01-18 11:04:38 4.14MB Financial Ri Christoffers
Regulators base the capital they require banks to keep on VaR,Under Basel II, capital for credit risk and operational risk is based on a one-year 99.9% VaR
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信用风险建模和记分卡开发 全面的信用风险模型和记分卡,使用来自Lending Club的数据 可以在找到解释模型的中篇文章
2022-01-03 12:05:03 1.07MB JupyterNotebook
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快速入门指南 可以使用以下命令从pip安装FinancePy: pip install financepy 要升级现有的安装类型: pip install --upgrade financepy 由于一些Numba和LLVMLite问题,我在使用Anaconda3-2020.07时遇到了问题。 但是Anaconda3-2020.02可以工作。 在Jupyter Notebook中使用FinancePy 一旦安装了financepy,就很容易上手。 只需下载该项目并检查notebooks文件夹中的Jupyter Notebook组即可。 可以在项目目录中找到描述所有功能的pdf手册。 概述 FinancePy是一个基于Python的库,当前处于beta版本。 它涵盖以下功能: 各种股票,外汇,利率和信用衍生产品的评估和风险模型。 尽管它完全是用Python编写的,但是使用N
2021-12-21 14:11:53 7.26MB python students finance risk
driving-behavior-risk-prediction. 2018平安产险数据建模大赛 驾驶行为预测驾驶风险 Fork或借鉴请注明出处  . Thx 比赛链接 RANK 第五周 第六周 相关文章 License Copyright (c) . All rights reserved. Licensed under the License.
2021-12-19 13:25:04 4.81MB competition python3 xgboost predictive-modeling