ISO 14230-1:1999 Road vehicles-Diagnostic systems-Keyword Protocol 2000-Part 1:Physical layer,ISO 14230-2:1999 Road vehicles-Diagnostic systems-Keyword Protocol 2000-Part 2:Data link layer,ISO 14230-3:1999 Road vehicles-Diagnostic systems-Keyword Protocol 2000-Part 3:Application layer,ISO 14230-4:2000 Road vehicles-Diagnostic systems-Keyword Protocol 2000-Part 4:Requirements for emission-related systems
2022-02-21 14:49:20 3.28MB 14230 ISO14230
2022-01-12 21:01:59 945.51MB 数据集 Vehicle
ocpp-go Go中的开放充电点协议实现。 该库以运行OCPP 1.6+版的现代充电点和中央系统为目标。 鉴于OCPP的未来版本将不再支持SOAP,因此该库仅支持OCPP-J。 当前没有支持OCPP-S的计划。 现状和路线图 注意:由于重构,版本0.10.0引入了一些API的重大更改。 功能保持不变,但命名更改。 计划的里程碑和功能: OCPP 1.6 OCPP 2.0 OCPP 1.6的用法 需要Go 1.13+版本。 go get 您还需要获取一些依赖项: cd export GO111MODULE=on go mod download 您的应用程序可以充当(服务器)或(客户端)。 中央系统 如果要将库集成到自定义的中央系统中,则必须实现在配置文件界面中定义的
PD IEC TS 62196-3-1:2020 Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part 3-1:Vehicle connector, vehicle inlet and cable assembly for DC charging intended to be used with a thermal management system - 完整英文版(65页).pdf
2021-12-16 15:27:31 3.69MB 资料
Developing and testing algorithms for autonomous vehicles in real world is an expensive and time consuming process. Also, in order to utilize recent advances in machine intelligence and deep learning we need to collect a large amount of annotated training data in a variety of conditions and environments. We present a new simulator built on Unreal Engine that offers physically and visually realistic simulations for both of these goals.
2021-11-12 12:34:46 7.47MB AirSim
ISOSAE DIS 21434Road vehicles — Cybersecurity engineering
2021-11-09 18:00:40 3.17MB Cybersecurity 网络安全
mick_robot mick 是一个开源的自主导航小车项目,使用四轮差速小车模型和16线的3D激光雷达作为传感器,导航框架是基于move_base进行修改的。目前支持麦克纳姆轮和四轮差速底盘,该开源项目从搭建机械部分开始,分享底层的嵌入式控制,上层的建图和导航部分,最终实现A点到B的自主导航。 当前地址的代码为麦克纳姆轮和四轮差速ROS底盘的ROS导航节点包,与 mick_robot_chasiss 代码(底层控制代码)配合使用,更多的信息可以参考 该开源项目项应的中文教程: 该开源框架支持两种类型的底盘,4轮差速底盘和麦克纳姆轮底盘,如下图所示,底盘上运行的STM32程序可以在这个。 V1.2 修改日志 1.在底盘节点中增加使用外部的IMU来矫正里程计的偏航角 2.cartographer建图配置参数 3.增加了LeGO-LOAM节点(从官方节点fork) V1.1 修改日志 1.修改
2021-10-30 20:16:12 41.99MB autonomous-car autonomous-vehicles mick-robot C++
Vehicles for Logistics Center 1.5
2021-10-01 14:07:22 3.47MB Unity unity3d
车辆路径matlab代码 无人驾驶车辆模型预测控制(第2版) 无人驾驶车辆模型预测控制(第2版)随书仿真程序及扩展学习资料. This repo holds the Simulink/CarSim codes for examples of Self-driving Vehicles and Model Predictive Contorl (2ed edition). Contents Chapter-2: Vehicle model validation, including 4 examples tire model validation kinematic model validation dynamic model validation Chapter-3: MPC for longitudinal control, including 4 examples a simple example using MPC toolbox for speed tracking demo MPC for speed tracking control with du as input Ext
2021-09-30 16:41:59 7.08MB 系统开源