在整定PID参数时,PID三个参数的大小都不是绝对的,而是相对的。也就是说,如果发现一个参数比较合适,就把这个参数固定死,不管别的参数怎么变化,永远不动前 面固定的参数是错误的;如果是串级调节系统,在整定参数时,一般把主、副调隔离开来,先整定一个回路,再全面考虑。一般而言,先整定内回路。把PID参数隔离开来,先去掉积分、微分作 用,让系统变为纯比例调节方式,再考虑积分,最后考虑微分
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2021-05-16 11:04:25 202KB GSD
通过Android应用程序使用Bluetooth HC-05模块和Arduino控制机械臂。
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杜尔的工业机器人的手持编程器的教程,包括坐标系的基本知识等,想学习机器人的入门教程。DURR ROBOT TP
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智能割草机专用标准,iec 60335-2-107, It has been assumed in the drafting of this International Standard that the execution of its provisions is entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced persons. This standard recognizes the internationally accepted level of protection against hazards such as electrical, mechanical, thermal, fire and radiation of machines when operated as in normal use taking into account the manufacturer's instructions. It also covers abnormal situations that can be expected in practice and takes into account the way in which electromagnetic phenomena can affect the safe operation of machines. This standard takes into account the requirements of IEC 60364 as far as possible so that there is compatibility with the wiring rules when the machine is connected to the supply mains. However, national wiring rules may differ. If a machine within the scope of this standard also incorporates functions that are covered by another part 2 of IEC 60335, the relevant part 2 is applied to each function separately, as far as is reasonable. If applicable, the influence of one function on the other is taken into account. When a part 2 standard does not include additional requirements to cover hazards dealt with in Part 1, Part 1 applies.
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Programming Robots with ROS: A Practical Introduction to the Robot Operating System电子书完整版
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A matlab-based identification procedure applied to a two-degrees-of-freedom robot manipulator for engineering students论文及程序和数据
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2021-05-10 19:48:06 3KB MATLAB