Yu-Kai Chou Designed / Actionable Gamification Full Book Yu-Kai Chou Designed / Actionable Gamification Full Book Yu-Kai Chou Designed / Actionable Gamification Full Book
2021-09-22 20:53:54 39MB 游戏化
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2021-09-21 11:22:44 3.4MB 语音识别 HTK 文档
Model reference adaptive control- bridging the gap between theory and practice 理論與實務並重,很實用的書
2021-09-20 22:05:06 8.66MB modelreference adaptivecontrol
CAIA 2020 Level I Notes Book pdf下载链接 还有2020年9月的内容,欢迎下载
2021-09-20 15:29:53 969B CAIA
前端修炼小册 简介 | 以「前端开发」为主线,涵盖但不仅限于前端技术栈的知识点。 记录每一天的进步,越努力,越幸运,欢迎收藏或 star。 与的区别: 博客记录日常开发经验,读书笔记、生活随笔、理财等等,涉及面比较分散。 小册以点亮技能树为主,系统梳理前端开发及其周边知识点,作为学习笔记和复习资料。 目录 编程进阶 手写系列 面试相关 计划 支持 版权信息 鸣谢 文章 持续更新,学习不止。 风格指南 文档规范 代码风格 HTML 规范 CSS 规范 JavaScript 规范 Vue 项目规范 :up_arrow: 返回顶部 前端语言 HTML HTML 基本结构 语义类标签 未完结,待更新 CSS CSS 引入方式 选择器与样式优先级 伪元素和伪类 长度和单位 盒模型 定位(position) 浮动(float) BFC 经典布局 Flexbox 布局 Grid 布局 未完结,待更新 JavaScr
2021-09-17 20:51:08 1.79MB javascript css python html
2021-09-17 15:18:51 9.77MB 系统开源
CTF竞赛权威指南(Pwn篇) 相关资源 读者交流QQ群:808542982 勘误 感谢广大热心读者的关注,如发现本书内容有误,请以 issue 的方式告知我们~ 第 1 次印刷(2020-12): P48:文字倒数第二段,改为 第二行是普通文件(-),第三行是链接文件(l)。 -- @七星 P171:文字倒数第四行和倒数第一行的覆盖地址,改为 /x28/xcd/xff/xff。 -- @LTSHFWJT P172:第三个代码块的第一行 print 后面的 AA$nA 改为 A$hhn。 -- @LTSHFWJT 第 2 次印刷(2021-01)(从本次印刷开始有个彩蛋,欢迎寻找): P142:第一个代码块 shellcode 一行改为 (*(void(*)())shellcode)();。 -- @winter P215:文字第二段倒数第二行的参数,改为 reloc_inde
2021-09-16 20:54:33 76KB Python
WPF 关于Control的不可多得的好书。强烈推荐认真阅读。
2021-09-16 17:13:19 166B WPF Control
Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: No Starch Press; 1 edition (April 16, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1593276494 ISBN-13: 978-1593276492 GNU make is the most widely used build automation tool, but it can be challenging to master and its terse language can be tough to parse for even experienced programmers. Those who run into difficulties face a long, involved struggle, often leaving unsolved problems behind and GNU make's vast potential untapped. The GNU Make Book demystifies GNU make and shows you how to use its best features. You'll find a fast, thorough rundown of the basics of variables, rules, targets, and makefiles. Learn how to fix wastefully long build times and other common problems, and gain insight into more advanced capabilities, such as complex pattern rules. With this utterly pragmatic manual and cookbook, you'll make rapid progress toward becoming a more effective user. You'll also learn how to: Master user-defined functions, variables, and path handling Weigh the pitfalls and advantages of GNU make parallelization Handle automatic dependency generation, rebuilding, and non-recursive make Modify the GNU make source and take advantage of the GNU Make Standard Library Create makefile assertions and debug makefiles GNU make is known for being tricky to use, but it doesn't have to be. If you're looking for a deeper understanding of this indispensable tool, you'll find The GNU Make Book to be an indispensable guide.
2021-09-16 13:40:44 2.36MB GNU Make Book
2021-09-15 10:00:32 263KB python