2019-12-21 20:32:09 24.47MB Estimation
2019-12-21 20:30:12 2KB channel estimation 信道估计
Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing, vol.1 - Estimation Theory_1993 第一部的全部答案
2019-12-21 20:29:03 4.99MB 答案
尺幅评估工具第一版、第二版合集,并付作者论文 Estimation_of_Scale_Parameters ESP1 ESP2
2019-12-21 20:23:45 6.98MB 尺度评估 ESP1 ESP2
Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation using Part Affinity Fields ∗ 源代码 open pose 实时人体姿态估计 caffe+python+matlab
2019-12-21 20:09:25 28.24MB openpose 人体姿态估计
optimal state estimation solution manual dan simon
2019-12-21 20:04:39 6.23MB optimal state estimation
Estimtion is the process of extracting information from data - data which can be used to infer the desired information and niay contain errors. Modern estimation methods use known relationships to compute the deslred information from the measurements. taking account of measurement errors, the effects of disturbances and control actions on the system, and prior knowledge of the information. Diverse measurements car! be blended to form "best" estimates, and information which is unavailable for measurement can be approximated in an optimal fashion. The intent of this book is to enable readers to achieve a level of competence that will permit their participation in the des~gn and evaluation of practical estimators. Therefore, the text is oriented to the applied rather than theoretical aspects of optimal estimation. It is our intent throughout to provide a simple and interesting picture of the central issues underlying modern estimation theory and practice. Heuristic, rather than theoretically elegant,arguments are used extensively, with emphasis on physical insights and key questlons of practical importance.
2019-12-21 20:02:50 8.74MB 最优估计
检测估计和调制理论Harry L.Van Trees 阵列处理技术的基础,电气工程学科国际知名教材
2019-12-21 20:02:22 41.51MB 检测 估计 调制
Offering an up-to-date account of the strategies utilized in state estimation of electric power systems, this text provides a broad overview of power system operation and the role of state estimation in overall energy management. It uses an abundance of examples, models, tables, and guidelines to clearly examine new aspects of state estimation, the testing of network observability, and methods to assure computational efficiency. Includes numerous tutorial examples that fully analyze problems posed by the inclusion of current measurements in existing state estimators and illustrate practical solutions to these challenges. Written by two expert researchers in the field, Power System State Estimation extensively details topics never before covered in depth in any other text, including novel robust state estimation methods, estimation of parameter and topology errors, and the use of ampere measurements for state estimation. It introduces various methods and computational issues involved in the formulation and implementation of the weighted least squares (WLS) approach, presents statistical tests for the detection and identification of bad data in system measurements, and reveals alternative topological and numerical formulations for the network observability problem.
2019-12-21 20:00:02 11.2MB Power System State Estimation
2019-12-21 19:58:11 16.71MB correlation filter visual tracking