这是韩国学生的一篇硕士论文 业内评价很高。论文研究了低成本IMU的检校、INS的初始对准方法、GPS/INS组合解算模型的公式推导等。对做惯导和组合导航的算法设计很有帮助
2021-09-24 09:43:52 1.76MB GPS INS 组合 卡尔曼滤波
matlab的egde源代码卡尔曼本地化 使用GPS / INS /罗盘的传感器融合通过错误状态卡尔曼滤波器进行MATLAB本地化。 MATLAB代码大量借鉴了Paul D. Groves的著作《 GNSS原理,惯性和多传感器集成导航系统》 ,该代码被标记为他的代码,并获得BSD许可。 请注意:我无法提供测试数据,因为它是使用通用汽车拥有的车辆收集的。 请参考初始化脚本中的注释以获取有关数据格式的说明,并且您应该能够修改自己的数据。 另外,这本书还附有CD-ROM,其中包含他的代码(可正常运行的过滤器)以及用于生成测试数据的系统。
2021-07-31 18:07:00 44KB 系统开源
2021-07-27 15:49:40 1.17MB GPS/INS
2021-06-23 18:55:26 8.19MB 误差状态Kalman滤波 定位 IMU GPS
Multi-Sensor Fusion (GNSS, IMU, Camera) 多源多传感器融合定位 GPS/INS组合导航 PPP/INS紧组合 Multi-Sensor Fusion 版本号:release/3.0.0 初衷 学习组合导航和VIO相关内容. 希望和有兴趣的小伙伴一起交流 程序依赖 glog Eigen OpenCV 3.4 Ceres 使用说明 最新稳定测试版本对应为release/3.0.0分支 Multi-Sensor Fusion使用了submodules形式挂载了tools,因此clone完本程序需要更新tools git checkout -b release/3.0.0 origin/release/3.0.0 git submodule init git submodule update 已经安装完依赖库后,可以直接编译程序 mkdir build && cd build cmake .. && make -j3 程序运行方式 ./mscnav_bin ${configure_file} ${log_
2021-06-15 19:58:04 4.99MB C/C++ Miscellaneous
2021-05-31 18:35:07 503KB 首发论文
用于开源OpenPilot的GPS融合INS解决方案,openpilot 是一个开源的自动驾驶(驾驶代理),它实行 Hondas 和 Acuras 的自适应巡航控制(ACC)和车道保持辅助系统(LKAS)的功能。基于INS+GPS的组合导航扩展卡尔曼(EKF)滤波,广泛使用在车载系统和导弹,无人机系统的精确定位
2021-05-17 15:44:37 76KB GPS/INS方案
Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration, 3 edition English | 2013 | ISBN: 111844700X | ISBN-13: 9781118447000 | 608 pages | PDF | 20,3 MB An updated guide to GNSS, and INS, and solutions to real-world GNSS/INS problems with Kalman filtering Written by recognized authorities in the field, this third edition of a landmark work provides engineers, computer scientists, and others with a working familiarity of the theory and contemporary applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Inertial Navigational Systems, and Kalman filters. This book is intended for people who need a working knowledge of global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs), inertial navigation systems (INSs), and the Kalman filtering models and methods used in their integration. The book is designed to provide a usable, working familiarity with both the theoretical and practical aspects of these subjects. For that purpose, we include “realworld”problems from practice as illustrative examples. We also cover the more practical aspects of implementation: how to represent problems in a mathematical model, analyze performance as a function of model parameters, implement the mechanization equations in numerically stable algorithms, assess the computational requirements, test the validity of results, and monitor performance in operation with sensor data from Global Positioning System (GPS) and INS. These important attributes, often overlooked in theoretical treatments, are essential for effective application of theory to real-world problems.
2021-05-08 10:18:06 8.43MB GNSS GPS INS Kalman
2021-05-06 11:11:55 487KB 卡尔曼滤波