选址与路径优化matlab代码STOMPSelfJoin 这是 STOMP 算法的 GPU 实现。 STOMP 将时间序列作为输入并计算特定窗口大小的矩阵轮廓。 您可以在 对于附加功能和更好的性能,您应该使用 环境 这个基础项目需要: 至少有 9.0 版的 CUDA 工具包可用。 还需要具有 CUDA 支持的 NVIDIA GPU。 您可以找到与 CUDA 兼容的 GPU 列表 目前使用 Makefile 在 linux 下构建。 应该在windows下编译,但未经测试。 用法 编辑生成文件 默认情况下支持 Volta,但如果需要,请根据 GPU 的计算能力设置 ARCH 的值。 “-gencode=arch=compute_code,code=sm_code”,其中代码对应于您希望添加的计算能力或架构。 确保 CUDA_DIRECTORY 对应于系统上安装 cuda 的位置。 这通常是 Linux 上的/usr/local/cuda-(VERSION)/ 此外,默认情况下,内核参数仅针对 volta 优化,如果您正在为 Pascal 或更早版本构建,请相应地调整 STOMP.cu 中
2022-05-02 21:08:50 20.75MB 系统开源
使用NCCL进行多GPU深度学习训练,其中涉及多机多卡,单机多卡等技术。 Optimized inter-GPU communication for DL and HPC Optimized for all NVIDIA platforms, most OEMs and Cloud Scales to 100s of GPUs, targeting 10,000s in the near future. Aims at covering all communication needs for multi-GPU computing. Only relies on CUDA. No dependency on MPI or any parallel environment.
2022-05-01 20:37:44 453KB GPU AI 深度学习 NVIDIA
The CUDA Handbook begins where CUDA by Example (Addison-Wesley, 2011) leaves off, discussing CUDA hardware and software in greater detail and covering both CUDA 5.0 and Kepler. Every CUDA developer, from the casual to the most sophisticated, will find something here of interest and immediate usefulness. Newer CUDA developers will see how the hardware processes commands and how the driver checks progress; more experienced CUDA developers will appreciate the expert coverage of topics such as the driver API and context migration, as well as the guidance on how best to structure CPU/GPU data interchange and synchronization. The accompanying open source code-more than 25,000 lines of it, freely available at www.cudahandbook.com-is specifically intended to be reused and repurposed by developers. Designed to be both a comprehensive reference and a practical cookbook, the text is divided into the following three parts: Part I, Overview, gives high-level descriptions of the hardware and software that make CUDA possible. Part II, Details, provides thorough descriptions of every aspect of CUDA, including * Memory * Streams and events * Models of execution, including the dynamic parallelism feature, new with CUDA 5.0 and SM 3.5 * The streaming multiprocessors, including descriptions of all features through SM 3.5 * Programming multiple GPUs * Texturing The source code accompanying Part II is presented as reusable microbenchmarks and microdemos, designed to expose specific hardware characteristics or highlight specific use cases. Part III, Select Applications, details specific families of CUDA applications and key parallel algorithms, including * Streaming workloads * Reduction * Parallel prefix sum (Scan) * N-body * Image ProcessingThese algorithms cover the full range of potential CUDA applications.
2022-04-30 03:18:09 2.35MB CUDA Handbook GPU Programming
XGBoost[1]是2014年2月诞生的专注于梯度提升算法的机器学习函数库,此函数库因其优良的学习效果以及高效的训练速度而获得广泛的关注。仅在2015年,在Kaggle[2]竞赛中获胜的29个算法中,有17个使用了XGBoost库,而作为对比,近年大热的深度神经网络方法,这一数据则是11个。在KDDCup 2015 [3]竞赛中,排名前十的队伍全部使用了XGBoost库。
2022-04-29 21:21:32 3.18MB 机器学习 xgboost
2022-04-28 18:04:53 22.23MB GPU CUDA
2022-04-27 16:52:21 131.27MB CUDA GPU 并行编程 中文带目录
主要介绍了tensorflow -gpu安装,史上最新最简单的途径(不用自己装cuda,cdnn),非常不错,具有一定的参考借鉴价值,需要的朋友可以参考下
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V100 GPU driver ,cuda ,cudnn step by step 安装配置手册,可以指导你完成搭建AI训练环境,包括Ubuntu 和centos的安装配置方法
2022-04-25 18:00:58 473KB ubuntu centos 人工智能 文档资料
Learn CUDA Programming A beginners guide to GPU programming and parallel computing with CUDA 10.x and CC++ by Jaegeun Han, Bharatkumar Sharma (z-lib.org).pdf
2022-04-25 16:16:37 33.39MB
2022-04-25 09:06:21 402.77MB tensorflow 源码软件 人工智能 python