IEC 62506:2013提供了各种加速测试技术在测量或提高产品可靠性方面的应用指南。 识别产品/项目的使用中可能遇到的潜在故障模式及其缓解措施对于确保项目的可靠性至关重要。 这些方法的目的是在压缩或加速的时间内识别潜在的设计弱点或提供有关项目可靠性的信息,或实现必要的可靠性/可用性改进。 该标准解决了不可修复和可修复系统的加速测试。
2021-05-25 17:03:30 85.35MB iec 62506 产品 加速
Mathematical programming has know a spectacular diversification in the last few decades. This process has happened both at the level of mathematical research and at the level of the applications generated by the solution methods that were created. To write a monograph dedicated to a certain domain of mathematical programming is, under suchcircumstances,especially difficult. In the present monograph we opt for the domain of fractional programming. Interest of this subject was generated by the fact that various optimization problems from engineering and economics consider the minimization of a ratio between physical and/or economical functions, for example cost/time, cost/volume,cost/profit, or other quantities that measure the efficiency of a system. For example, the productivity of industrial systems, defined as the ratio between the realized services in a system within a given period of time and the utilized resources, is used as one of the best indicators of the quality of their operation. Such problems, where the objective function appears as a ratio of functions, constitute fractional programming problem. Due to its importance in modeling various decision processes in management science, operational research, and economics, and also due to its frequent appearance in other problems that are not necessarily economical, such as information theory, numerical analysis, stochastic programming, decomposition algorithms for large linear systems, etc., the fractional programming method has received particular attention in the last three decades. ,解压密码
2021-05-24 16:35:07 11.3MB 英文
L. Kuncheva 2004 年的 Combining Pattern Classifiers Methods and Algorithms
2021-05-23 23:55:53 2.93MB 机器学习
非线性优化经典著作——《methods for nonlinear least square problems》
2021-05-23 11:02:14 1.8MB 非线性最小二
ThisbookteachesC++andusesittosolvepartialdifferentialequations(PDEs). Basic and advanced numerical methods are introduced and implemented easily and efficiently in a unified object-oriented approach. The powerful features and advanced tools available in C++ are particularly useful for implementing the complex mathematical objects that are often used in numerical modeling. The code segments and their detailed explanations show how easy it is to implement advanced algorithms such as finite elements and multigrid.
2021-05-20 11:05:48 21.62MB 数值计算 C++ 面向对象
稀疏线性系统的迭代方法:第2版= Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems:Second Edition :英文
2021-05-19 10:51:33 4.76MB 迭代方法
2021-05-19 00:13:10 51.11MB 粒子滤波 bootstrap 蒙特卡洛
Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB,数值方法使用
2021-05-18 09:10:11 2.85MB 数值方法
Numerical Methods of Exploration Seismology_ With Algorithms in MATLAB (2019)
2021-05-16 10:02:10 59.53MB Numerical Method Exploration Seis
计算数学专业外文书籍,作者Y. Saad。详解特征值问题
2021-05-14 10:46:54 2.43MB 特征值问题 数值方法