Online identification methods of load rotary inertia and torque in radar servo system
2021-05-01 23:50:05 2.5MB 研究论文
《Robust Control Design Using H-∞ Methods》——Ian R. Petersen;图书;H∞鲁棒控制教材;
2021-04-30 21:48:50 57.1MB Robust Control H∞控制 H∞
Neural Methods for Point-wise Dependency Estimation
2021-04-29 01:47:32 679KB 神经网路
书籍《Computational Photography: Methods and Applications》 PDF原版。
2021-04-23 14:59:28 13.64MB 计算摄影 计算机视觉
Finite Difference Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
2021-04-16 14:59:38 2.75MB fd
粒子滤波器方面的经典教程 Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice。 粒子滤波器方面的经典教程,包括改进粒子滤波器估计性能的方法。文件扫描清楚,便于阅读 Monte Carlo methods are revolutionizing the on-line analysis of data in many fileds. They have made it possible to solve numerically many complex, non-standard problems that were previously intractable. This book presents the first comprehensive treatment of these techniques. 粒子滤波
2021-04-15 19:17:23 12.95MB 粒子滤波 经典教程 滤波器 Monte
2021-04-13 21:46:30 5.19MB 烟雾检测
本压缩文件夹包含 一本英文原版书 《Numerical Methods of Exploration Seismology with algorithms in MATLAB》的PDF版本以及书中的Matlab代码。
2021-04-13 21:30:25 4.53MB Exploration Seismology MATLAB
good book, nice for Image_Registration_Principles_Tools_and_Methods
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模式分析的核方法 英文原版。 Pattern Analysis is the process of finding general relations in a set of data, and forms the core of many disciplines, from neural networks to so-called syn- tactical pattern recognition, from statistical pattern recognition to machine learning and data mining. Applications of pattern analysis range from bioin- formatics to document retrieval.
2021-04-12 11:34:05 3.02MB kernel methods pattern analysis