2021-05-13 15:31:29 6.87MB Numerical Methods
2021-05-12 08:36:22 39.81MB 蒙特卡罗方法
2021-05-10 16:42:33 45.07MB Error Correction Coding 通信纠错码
多代理深确定性策略梯度 多主体深度确定性策略梯度(MADDPG)算法的Pytorch实现 这是我在论文中提出的算法的实现:“针对混合合作竞争环境的多主体Actor评论家”。 您可以在这里找到本文: : 您将需要安装多代理粒子环境(MAPE),可以在这里找到: : 确保创建具有MAPE依赖项的虚拟环境,因为它们有些过时了。 我还建议使用PyTorch 1.4.0版运行此程序,因为最新版本(1.8)似乎与我在计算批评者损失时使用的就地操作存在问题。 将主存储库克隆到与MAPE相同的目录中可能是最容易的,因为主文件需要该软件包中的make_env函数。 可以在以下位置找到本教程的视频: :
Review and Implementation of Driving Fatigue Evaluation Methods Based on RR Interval
2021-05-08 16:12:49 915KB 研究论文
这本书是创始人之一Osher写的,这本书是论述Level Set的最完整的书籍之一,更偏重于数值化的高精度解,应用领域涉及图像处理以及计算物理。
2021-05-08 14:20:29 4.81MB level set
2021-05-07 22:19:20 142KB Control methods; Control robustness;
This accessible book provides an introduction to the analysis and design of dynamic multiagent networks. Such networks are of great interest in a wide range of areas in science and engineering, including: mobile sensor networks, distributed robotics such as formation flying and swarming, quantum networks, networked economics, biological synchronization, and social networks. Focusing on graph theoretic methods for the analysis and synthesis of dynamic multiagent networks, the book presents a powerful new formalism and set of tools for networked systems. The book's three sections look at foundations, multiagent networks, and networks as systems. The authors give an overview of important ideas from graph theory, followed by a detailed account of the agreement protocol and its various extensions, including the behavior of the protocol over undirected, directed, switching, and random networks. They cover topics such as formation control, coverage, distributed estimation, social networks, and games over networks. And they explore intriguing aspects of viewing networks as systems, by making these networks amenable to control-theoretic analysis and automatic synthesis, by monitoring their dynamic evolution, and by examining higher-order interaction models in terms of simplicial complexes and their applications. The book will interest graduate students working in systems and control, as well as in computer science and robotics. It will be a standard reference for researchers seeking a self-contained account of system-theoretic aspects of multiagent networks and their wide-ranging applications. This book has been adopted as a textbook at the following universities: University of Stuttgart, Germany Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Georgia Tech, USA University of Washington, USA Ohio University, USA
2021-05-07 16:17:45 4.85MB 多个体网络 图理论方法
Mathematical Methods of Statistics - Cramer 统计数学奠基性著作 In this classic of statistical mathematical theory, Harald Cramér joins the two major lines of development in the field: while British and American statisticians were developing the science of statistical inference, French and Russian probabilitists transformed the classical calculus of probability into a rigorous and pure mathematical theory. The result of Cramér's work is a masterly exposition of the mathematical methods of modern statistics that set the standard that others have since sought to follow. For anyone with a working knowledge of undergraduate mathematics the book is self contained. The first part is an introduction to the fundamental concept of a distribution and of integration with respect to a distribution. The second part contains the general theory of random variables and probability distributions while the third is devoted to the theory of sampling, statistical estimation, and tests of significance.
2021-05-07 15:41:32 6.25MB Mathematical Statistics classic
中英文版本集合,PDF格式,可搜索复制 OPTIMIZATION BY VECTOR SPACE METHODS David G. Luenberger 1968 *优化的矢量空间方法 蒋*新 1987
2021-05-07 13:22:38 15.51MB 最优化 泛函 斯坦福 向量空间