SAE J1939英文全集.zip
2024-04-01 11:58:49 8.52MB J1939
SAE USCAR-21-第四版_2020_中文翻译版.pdf
2024-03-17 12:32:06 5.23MB uscar
SAE USCAR-2_2022 REV 8.pdf
2024-03-17 11:33:20 18.13MB uscar
SAE J2953_2:2014 Test Procedures for the Plug-In Electric Vehicl
2024-03-05 13:29:32 1.32MB
SAE J2894_2:2015 Power Quality Test Procedures for Plug-In Electric Vehicle Chargers - 完整英文电子版(36页).pdf
2024-03-05 13:29:22 513KB
The purpose of J2931/6 is to complement J2954 and J2847/6 as it describes the physical layer communication between the EVSE and the PEV. The use cases for communications between a PEV and the utility are described in J2836/6™ with the message details included in J2847/6. This document is intended to describe the issues with PEV association, interoperability with various PEVs and EVSE suppliers, utilities, etc. as multiple manufacturers introduce their products. Several scenarios are encountered as the customers determine their home application to PEV energy needs that also includes the Home Area Network (HAN) that interfaces with home appliances and the utility. Some customers will interface with the utility using multifamily dwellings, street parking, energy transfer at work, businesses and these all have their variations on how the PEV communicates.
2024-03-05 13:28:45 238KB
This SAE Recommended Practice SAE J2847-6 establishes requirements and specifications for communications messages between wirelessly charged electric vehicles and the wireless charger. Where relevant, this document notes, but does not formally specify, interactions between the vehicle and vehicle operator. This is the 1st version of this document and captures the initial objectives of the SAE task force. The intent of step 1 is to record as much information on “what we think works” and publish. The effort continues however, to step 2 that allows public review for additional comments and viewpoints, while the task force also continues additional testing and early implementation. Results of step 2 effort will then be incorporated into updates of this document and lead to a republished version. The next revision will address the harmonization between SAE J2847-6 and ISO/IEC 15118-7 to ensure interoperability
2024-03-05 13:28:34 24.49MB 无线充电
ISO standards for Road vehicles — Cybersecurity engineering
2024-02-20 15:12:25 4.64MB cybersecurity
原版支持中文不大好,会乱码。 现在原版基础上修改支持 新浪云主机 sina SAE 上运行支持中文的版本。 SAE 上只支持4种中文字体 宋体、楷体、文泉驿正黑、文泉驿微米黑。 调用方式: $graph->title->SetFont(FF_UMING, FS_BOLD);//宋体 $graph->title->SetFont(FF_UKAI, FS_BOLD);//楷体 $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ZENHEI, FS_NORMAL);//文泉驿正黑 $graph->title->SetFont(FF_MICROHEI, FS_NORMAL);//文泉驿微米黑
2023-12-01 09:03:22 4.31MB Jpgraph Chart
ISO SAE 21434-2021中文 道路车辆 - 网络安全工程.pdf
2023-11-22 15:35:49 8.08MB