逻辑回归 在全球范围内,心血管疾病(CVD)造成的死亡人数多于癌症。 从这项为期15年的心脏研究队列中收集的真实心脏病患者的数据集可用于此任务。 该数据集具有16个患者特征。 请注意,所有功能均不包含任何验血信息。 脚步 检查每个属性/列的描述性统计数据 检查班级不平衡 建立物流模型 确定特征重要性 评估模型的性能指标 要求 Python Google Colab 配套 将熊猫作为pd导入 从sklearn.datasets导入load_iris 从sklearn.linear_model导入LogisticRegression 从sklearn导入指标 从sklearn.metrics导入f1_score 导入matplotlib.pyplot作为plt 将numpy导入为np 从sklearn导入linear_model 从sklearn.model_selection导
2021-06-12 15:29:39 18KB JupyterNotebook
一本很好的关于逻辑回归分析的书 Review "...The book is a classic, extremely well written, and it includes a variety of software packages and real examples...." -- The Statistician, Vol. 51, No.2, 2002 "...an excellent book that balances many objectives well.... All statistical practitioners...can benefit from this book...Applied Logistic Regression is an ideal choice." -- Technometrics, February 2002 "...it remains an extremely valuable text for everyone working or teaching in fields like epidemiology..." -- Statistics in Medicine, No.21, 2002 "...the revised text continues to provide a focused introduction to the logistic regression model and its use in methods for modelling..." -- Short Book Reviews, Vol. 21, No. 2, August 2001 "In this revised and updated edition of the popular test, the authors incorporate theoretical and computing advances from the last decade." -- Journal of the American Statistical Association, September 2001 Product Description From the reviews of the First Edition. "An interesting, useful, and well-written book on logistic regression models . . . Hosmer and Lemeshow have used very little mathematics, have presented difficult concepts heuristically and through illustrative examples, and have included references."-Choice "Well written, clearly organized, and comprehensive . . . the authors carefully walk the reader through the estimation of interpretation of coefficients from a wide variety of logistic regression models . . . their careful explication of the quantitative re-expression of coefficients from these various models is excellent."-Contemporary Sociology "An extremely well-written book that will certainly prove an invaluable acquisition to the practicing statistician who finds other literature on analysis of discrete data hard to follow or heavily theoretical."-The Statistician In this revised and updated edition of their popular book, David Hosmer and Stanley Lemeshow continue to provide an amazingly accessible introduction to the logistic reg
2021-06-07 23:00:34 14.81MB Applied Logistic Regression 逻辑回归分析
Google Earth engine(GEE )实现随机森林的回归算法.
2021-06-05 17:01:55 15KB GEE RandomForest Regression
GroongaPackages回归测试 Groonga 包的测试工具。 要求 安装 $ gem install groonga_packages_regression_test 用法 $ groonga_packages_regression_test pull $ groonga_packages_regression_test install $ groonga_packages_regression_test go 作者 横山文 执照 LGPLv2.1 或更高版本。 有关详细信息,请参阅。
2021-06-03 13:04:13 18KB Ruby
2021-06-01 21:58:54 445KB regression forest 回归森林 RF
预算matlab代码###线性回归模板 #### Description在MATLAB和python中实现的线性回归算法。 使用梯度下降或正态方程学习回归参数。 允许任何(合理)数量的连续特征。 将输入(csv文件)分为训练集和测试集。 使用训练集学习参数,并计算训练集和测试集上的误差。 如果使用梯度下降(脚本中的set选项),则绘制成本函数收敛图。 基于的Ex.1的代码。 ####用于开发和测试的数据集 ####文件MATLAB回归脚本:linear_regression_script.m 脚本的功能形式(允许在函数调用中指定参数):linear_regression.m 回归脚本的Python实现:lin_reg.py 主脚本和函数使用的MATLAB函数:computeCostMulti.m,gradientDescentMulti.m
2021-05-26 18:03:00 18KB 系统开源
基于Logistic Regression模型实现手写数字识别
2021-05-23 22:00:24 12KB python 机器学习
2021-05-12 18:06:29 6KB 科研
作者:Joseph Michael Hilbe,Wiki简介:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Hilbe 负二项回归属于广义线性回归(GLM)的分支,与Logistic回归、Poisson回归等都属于计数数据模型的范畴,主要用于以分类变量、定序变量为因变量的回归分析之中。 负二项回归家族庞大,逐渐应用于社会科学领域各个学科的统计分析建模之中,本书详细介绍了负二项回归分析的原理以及该模型的多种变体,为该方法的学习提供了重要指导。