We propose a method for simultaneous 3D temperature and velocity measurement of a micro-flow field. The 3D temperature field is characterized with two-color laser-induced fluorescence particles which are tracked with micro-digital holographic particle tracking velocimetry. A diffraction-based model
2021-02-07 20:05:20 804KB
局部光场融合 | | Tensorflow实现可用于稀疏输入图像的新颖视图合成。 * 1 , * 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 1 , 2 1加州大学伯克利分校, 2 Fyusion Inc, 3德州农工大学, 4加州大学圣地亚哥分校*表示相等的贡献在SIGGRAPH 2019中 目录 安装TL; DR:设置并渲染演示场景 首先安装docker ()和nvidia-docker ()。 在基本目录中运行此命令,以下载预训练的检查点,下载Docker映像,并运行代码以在示例输入数据集上生成MPI和渲染的输出视频: bash download_data.sh sudo doc
2021-02-05 09:11:40 32.25MB deep-learning rendering light-field view-synthesis
NS高级字段帮助插件 Oracle NetSuite Advanced Field Help
2021-01-28 03:31:38 2.04MB ORACLE Netsuite NS 插件
field II的肾脏成像 源程序,包括field 的全套工具包,需要的可以下载下的。其中包括肾脏模型文件。
2020-05-02 03:19:15 45.53MB field 成像 肾脏
field and wave of electromagnetics David K Ch 英文教材
2020-02-18 03:03:36 11.12MB 电磁学
统计学习经典教程,小说风格,非扫描高清版,自购收藏。 Will Zach find Alice, the missing love of his life, and save the world? Will he survive the bridge of death? Can he escape the zombie horde? Statistically speaking the odds don’t look good…. Reluctant hero Zach Slade wakes up to find that his soul mate Alice has vanished. To find her, he must solve a puzzle using the only clue he has – Alice’s unfinished research report. If only he hadn’t skipped science class to form a band. The more Zach unravels the enigma of reality, the more he sense that something is very wrong. Did Alice ever exist? Who is the mysterious Professor Milton? What is causing people to forget who they are? And why is everyone intent on teaching him statistics? Join Zach on his bizarre journey … It will transform your understanding of statistics forever.
2020-01-03 11:19:15 34.57MB Data Science Machine Lear
Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals 2nd ed - B. Guru, H. Hiziroglu 本书简明易懂,贴近读者,深受广大师生欢迎。   本书包含许多实例、问题、章末小结和适当的背景材料。书中首先介绍静电磁场和静磁场的基本概念,继而讲解麦克斯韦尔方程、电磁传播、电磁传输和电磁辐射。另外,还增加了关于有限元法和有限差分法的章节以及关于史密斯圆图的详细附录。   1 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD THEORY 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Field Concept 1.3 Vector Analysis 1.4 Differential and Integral Formulations 1.5 Static Fields 1.6 Time-Varying Fields 1.7 Applications of Time-Varying Fields 1.8 Numerical Solutions 1.9 Further Study 2 VECTOR ANALYSIS 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Scalar and Vector Quantities 2.3 Vector Operations 2.4 The Coordinate Systems 2.5 Scalar and Vector Fields 2.6 Differential Elements of Length, Surface, and Volume 2.7 Line, Surface, and Volume Integrals 2.8 The Gradient of a Scalar Function 2.9 Divergence of a Vector Field 2.10 The Curl of a Vector Field 2.11 The Laplacian Operator 2.12 Some Theorems and Field Classifications 2.13 Vector Identities 2.14 Summary 2.15 Review Questions 2.16 Problems 3 ELECTROSTATICS 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Coulomb’s Law 3.3 Electric Field Intensity 3.4 Electric Flux and Electric Flux Density 3.5 The EIectric Potential 3.6 Electric Dipole 3.7 Materials in an Electric Field 3.8 Energy Stored in an EIectric Field 3.9 Boundary Conditions 3.10 Capacitor and Capacitance 3.11 Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations 3.12 Method of Images 3.13 Summary 3.14 Review Questions 3.15 Problems 4 STEADY ELECTRIC CURRENTS 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Nature of Current and Current Density 4.3 Resistance of a Conductor 4.4 The Equation Of Continuity 4.S Relaxation Time 4.6 Joule’s Law 4.7 Steady Current in a Diode 4.8 Boundary Conditions for Current Density 4.9 Analogy Between D and J 4.10 The Electromotive Force 4.11 Summary 4.12 Review Questions 4.13 Problems 1 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD THEORY 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Field Concept 1.3 Vector Analysis 1.4 Differential and Integral Formulations 1.5 Static Fields 1.6 Time-Varying Fields 1.7 Applications of Time-Varying F
2019-12-21 22:20:11 30.8MB 戈鲁
Field II超声仿真手册 丹麦理工大学Jesen 适合matlab环境下仿真
2019-12-21 22:17:27 1.05MB matlab field II
Matlab 声场仿真软件工具Field II在医学超声仪器研究中的应用,详细介绍各个命令的含义及其用法,对于初学者有很高的参考价值
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中科院(中国科学院)自动化所,模式识别国家重点实验室 牛人李子青写的一本专著,牛人也。值得学习模式识别的相关技术的深入学习 马尔科夫随机场在图像分析中的应用-李子青-Markov Random Field Modeling in Image Analysis
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