Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++, Second Edition 英文 第2版 EPUB转PDF Bjarne Stroustrup
2021-12-13 01:19:14 60.28MB Principles and Practice Using
New book released in 2009. Almost all computer systems in general, and embedded systems in particular, are eventdriven, which means that they continuously wait for the occurrence of some external or internal event such as a time tick, an arrival of a data packet, a button press, or a mouse click. After recognizing the event, such systems react by performing the appropriate computation that may include manipulating the hardware or generating “soft” events that trigger other internal software components. (That’s why event-driven systems are alternatively called reactive systems.) Once the event handling is complete, the software goes back to waiting for the next event.
2021-12-11 22:45:19 13.67MB UML C/C++
搜索了一下发现没有第二版的。This book is primarily concerned with the provision of good flying and handling qualities in conventional piloted aircraft, although the material is equally applicable to the uninhabited air vehicle (UAV). Consequently it is also very much concerned with the stability, control and dynamic characteristics which are fundamental to the determination of those qualities. Since flying and handling qualities are of critical importance to safety and to the piloting task it is essential that their origins are properly understood. Here then, the intention is to set out the basic principles of the subject at an introductory level and to illustrate the application of those principles by means of worked examples.
2021-12-10 15:48:32 3.19MB Flight Dynamics Principles Third
2021-12-09 16:17:50 770KB artin algebra solutions
分3卷 本书详细讲述了用最新的Qt版本进行图形用户界面应用程序开发的各个方面。前5章主要涉及Qt基础知识,后两个部分主要讲解Qt的中高级编程,包括布局管理、事件处理、二维/三维图形、拖放、项视图类、容器类、输入/输出、数据库、多线程、网络、XML、国际化、嵌入式编程等内容。对于本书讲授的大量Qt4编程原理和实践,都可以轻易将其应用于Qt4.4、Qt4.5以及后续版本的Qt程序开发过程中。   本书适合对Qt编程感兴趣的程序员以及广大计算机编程爱好者阅读,也可作为相关机构的培训教材。 作  者:(加)布兰切特(Blanchette,J),(英)萨默菲尔德(Summerfield,M) 著;闫锋欣 等译 出 版 社:电子工业出版社
2021-12-09 12:00:11 47.68MB 中文版 C++ Qt 4
2021-12-08 21:09:05 5.93MB time series spss ARIMA
2021-12-04 11:11:14 1.74MB BPMN
上海二手房价格预测界面 这是复旦大学数据科学学院的数据挖掘课程(DATA620007)。 要求: Tensorflow 1.0.1 Python 3.6 训练数据: 从于2018年4月。 爬行部分是由建造的。 模型: 结构:具有200个节点和ReLU的两层全连接神经网络,以及保持率为75%的Dropout。 纪元:10000 MSE (在测试集上):<0.03 例子: 一个简单的例子如下:女巫意味着我们所住宿舍的合理价格可能价值高达580万日元。 输出包括目标实际东部地区的平ASP格和总价格。
2021-12-02 01:17:33 888KB Python
2021-11-30 17:22:12 21.23MB gpu
表 4.1 切比雪夫变换器设计参数表格 N(节数) 2 2 3 3 4 7 倍频数(f2 f1⁄ ) 1.5 2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 10.0 1 臂最大驻波比 1.038 1.106 1.029 1.105 1.100 1.206 2、3 臂最大驻波比 1.007 1.021 1.015 1.038 1.039 1.098 2、3 臂最小隔离度 36.6 27.3 38.7 27.9 26.8 19.4 Z1(归一化值) 1.1998 1.2197 1.1124 1.1497 1.1157 1.1274 Z2 1.6670 1.6398 1.4142 1.4142 1.2957 1.2051 Z3 1.7979 1.7396 1.5435 1.3017 Z4 1.7926 1.4142 Z5 1.5364 Z6 1.6597 Z7 1.7740 r1(归一化值) 5.3163 4.8204 10.0000 8.0000 9.6432 8.8494 r2 1.8643 1.9602 3.7460 4.2292 5.3826 12.3329 r3 1.9048 2.1436 3.4524 8.9246 r4 2.0633 6.3980 r5 4.3516 r6 2.5924 r7 1.9652 4.3.3 多节阻抗变换器的新型计算公式 我们知道传输线的四分之一波长线具有阻抗变换的特性。这种变换关系可表示成 如下式(4.10)所示: Zl=√Z0ZL (4.10) 式(4.10)中Z l 为长度为1 4⁄ 波长的传输线特征阻抗,ZL和Z0为连接在Zl传输线 两端的两个不同尺寸微带线的阻抗,如图 4-6 所示。 0 Z l Z L Z 图 4-6 单节1 4⁄ 波长变换器 据此理论下面将详细介绍新型公式的推导过程并给出最终的新型公式的表达式。 如图 4-7 为N节二等分 Wilkinson 功分器电路原理图,图中Z0为功分器输入、输出端口 所接的终端 50Ω 负载。由于等分型功分器的两支路是完全对称的,因此只需计算一支 万方数据
2021-11-29 21:40:23 3.98MB 天线