Power BI的企业内部培训资料。 主要讲解Power BI的架构和功能。
2021-07-01 09:38:38 8.59MB PowerBI BI
2021-06-24 21:03:20 15.77MB PowerBI DAX函数 Excel
PDF文件大小为130M,PDF带目录索引,高清版 这是Power BI 官方中文教程的高清无删减版 连接到 Oracle数据库 在 Power b| Desktop中运行 Python脚本 在 Power查询编辑器中使用 Python 将外部 Python|DE与 Power bl一起使用 使用 Python创建 Power b|视觉村象 在 Power b| Desktop中运行R脚本 在查询编辑器中使用R 将外部R|DE与 Power b|一起使用 受支持的R包 值接在 Power b| Desktop中输入数据 在 Power Bl Desktop中连接到Exce Power b| Desktop中的 Analysis Services多维数据 通过 Power b| Desktop连接到CS∨文件 在 Power b| Desktop中连接到 Google BigQuery数据库 在 Power BI Desktop中连接到 Impala数据库 通过 Power BI Desktop连接到 OData数据源 在 Power b| Desktop中连接到 Amazon redshift数据库 通过 Power BI Desktop连接到网页 连接到 Power BI Desktop中的雪花型计算仓库 连接到 Microsoft Azure Consumption Insights 在 Power Bl Desktop中使用 SAP HANA Power BI Desktop中的 Analysis Services表格数据 在 Power b| Desktop中使用 DirectQuery Oracle和 Teradata数据库的 DirectQuery DirectQuery FA SAP Business Warehouse(BW) DirectQuery和 SAP HANA Power BI Desktop中的假设引用完整性设置 在 Power b| Desktop中使用 SAP BW连接器(预览) 在 Power b| Desktop中使用 One Drive for business链接 第三方服务:适用于 Power b| Desktop的 Facebook连接器 第三方服务:适用于 Power b| Desktop的 Google Analytics连接器 Project Online:通过 Power BI Desktop连接到数据
2021-06-19 17:41:06 113.3MB PowerBI 官方教程
2021-06-18 17:03:01 639KB PowerBI 可视化
PowerBI 图表控件 插件 2021最新最全 直接下载加载可用
2021-06-10 20:03:30 60.67MB PowerBI图表 插件
2021-06-05 19:04:49 41.2MB PowerBI 课件
最新版: Understanding your company’s data has never been easier than with Microsoft’s new Power BI package for Excel Consisting of four powerful tools—Power Pivot, Power View, Power Query and Power Maps—Power BI makes self-service business intelligence a reality for a wide range of users, bridging the traditional gap between Excel users, business analysts and IT experts and making it easier for everyone to work together to build the data models that can give you game-changing insights into your business. Beginning Power BI with Excel 2013 guides you step by step through the process of analyzing and visualizing your data. Daniel R. Clark, an expert in BI training and a regular speaker on these topics, takes you through each tool in turn, using hands-on activities to consolidate what you’ve learned in each chapter. Starting with Power Pivot, you will create robust scalable data models which will serve as the foundation of your data analysis. Once you have mastered creating suitable data models, you will use them to build compelling interactive visualizations in Power View. It’s often necessary to combine data from disparate sources into a data model. Power Query allows you to easily discover, combine, and refine data from a variety of sources, so you can make accurate judgments with all the available information. Geographical awareness is another common requirement of data analysis. Using Power Maps you will create captivating visualizations that map your data in space and time.
2021-05-22 23:47:16 26.62MB Excel PowerBI
2021-05-18 18:03:29 738B power EXCEL r语言
介绍几种图表,分别是chords,force-directed nodes,,Network Navigator, Social Network Graph,Sankey diagram用来展现多列数据之间的关联性。
2021-05-17 09:02:15 858KB POWERBI 可视化 插件 数据
2021-05-16 13:02:37 640B power 数据分析 Python