充分利用SQLServer2005的性能工具Performance Dashboard
2022-04-06 19:04:08 844KB sqlserver performance dashboard 性能工具
This test document specifies test methodologies and performance criteria for the RF performance evaluation of WiFi mobile converged devices. The scope of testing includes Handheld, self-contained Wi-Fi/Mobile Module, Access Point, Notebook and Tablet devices that support IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b,802.11g or 802.11n [2] as well as cellular technologies. Support for IEEE 802.11 standards must be confirmed through Wi-Fi Alliance baseline certification—that is, devices tested using this test plan must first be Wi-Fi CERTIFIED for IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g or 802.11n [4]. Cellular technologies include GSM, CDMA, UMTS (WCDMA), LTE and TD-SCDMA. The purpose of this document is to define the test methodology for the RF testing of Wi-Fi mobile converged devices and to specify the test conditions for each test case. The testing covers client devices and access points and specifies conducted as well as radiated tests.
2022-03-18 23:37:21 1.01MB CTIA Wi-Fi Wi-Fi
The Keysight Technologies, Inc. eDP 1.4 electrical performance and characterization (EP&C) software for Infniium Series oscilloscopes (see Table 2) provides you with a fast and easy way to verify and debug your eDP interface designs for embedded systems. The eDP 1.4 electrical test software is designed to be uniquely flexible to handle the wide variety of confgurations that are possible in embedded systems and pose characterization challenges. It offers the standard tests that are recommended as well as other informative tests, so it functions equally well as a validation tool. It displays the measurement data results in a flexible report format, and the report also provides a margin analysis that shows how closely your device passed or failed each test.
2022-03-17 09:01:51 2.06MB eDP
Shadesmar 指针。 使用系统共享内存传递消息的IPC库。 通信模式是类似于ROS和ROS2的publish-subscibe或RPC。 所需的软件包:Msgpack 注意:Pre-alpha软件。 产品特点 多个订阅者和发布者。 多线程RPC支持。 使用循环缓冲区在进程之间传递消息。 比使用ROS时使用网络堆栈更快。 分散的,没有。 允许传递序列化消息(使用msgpack )和原始字节。 无需为消息定义外部IDL文件。 使用C ++类作为消息定义。 发布-订阅 发布者: # include # include int main () { shm::memory::DefaultCopier cpy; shm::pubsub::Publisher pub ( " topic_name " , &cpy); const uint32_t data_size = 1024 ; void *data = ma
2022-03-17 00:06:57 180KB cpp high-performance ipc rpc
Android高性能编程(Android High Performance Programming)-2016年英文原版,0积分——Build fast and efficient Android apps that run as reliably as clockwork in a multi-device world
2022-03-10 22:08:18 6.4MB Android
iOS and macOS Performance Tuning Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, Objective-C, and Swift 英文版本
2022-03-10 17:13:39 26.2MB macOS iOS Performance Tuning
这个扩展要求每个座位一个许可证 需要Unity 5.5.0或更高版本。 半透明的图像为你的游戏带来了iOS/MacOS/ fluo设计的美丽的半透明UI,以最小的性能成本,使它成为性能和电量关键平台如手机的完美选择 特点: -最快的模糊效果,可在资产商店。 -使用简单与紧密的编辑器集成。 -看看你期望的任何决议。 -完全可定制,不仅模糊,但更多使您的UI您。 -你不会失去任何正常的UI功能,如分割精灵,掩蔽,画布组,… -完全文件化的源代码包括。 免责声明 -目前无法与世界空间UI一起工作。 -还没有单通道VR支持。 -虽然它比其他的要快得多,模糊仍然是一个需要的效果,所以它可能不能平稳运行在较弱的移动设备上,这里更多
2022-03-09 10:45:05 4.77MB 高斯模糊插件
本文实例讲述了微信小程序控制台提示warning:Now you can provide attr “wx:key” for a “wx:for” to improve performance解决方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 在小程序控制台开发中遇到提示: warning: Now you can provide attr “wx:key” for a “wx:for” to improve performance. 警告提示如下图所示: 查找资料与查看官方文档发现原因大致如下: 官方解释: wx:key 如果列表中项目的位置会动态改变或者有新的项目添加到列表中,并且希望列表中的项
2022-03-04 16:35:27 58KB ar att c
Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), an emerging technology to improve system capacity and spectrum efficiency, has attracted significant attention. In this study, the authors propose a NOMA-based downlink cooperative cellular system, where the base station communicates with two paired mobile users simultaneously through the help of a half-duplex amplify-and-forward relay. The outage performance of the system is investigated and closed-form expressions for their respective exact and asymptotic outage scheme are derived. Furthermore, they study the ergodic sum rate of the two paired users and the upper bound of the ergodic sum rate is obtained. By comparing the NOMA with conventional multiple access (MA) via numerical simulations, they have shown that NOMA can obtain the same diversity order with conventional MA, and achieve nearly the same sum rate with conventional MA. Furthermore, NOMA can offer better spectral efficiency and user fairness since more users are served at the same time, frequency, and spreading code.
2022-03-04 12:22:57 4KB NOM Downlin cooperativ
经典C++进阶书籍 Efficient C++ Performance Programming Techniques
2022-03-03 16:51:25 1000KB Efficient C++ Performance Programming