PCI Express Technology 3.0

上传者: oaktwig | 上传时间: 2019-11-19 21:16:53 | 文件大小: 47.38MB | 文件类型: PDF
PCI Express 3.0 is the latest generation of the popular peripheral interface found in virtually every PC, server, and industrial computer. Its high bandwidth, low latency, and cost-to-performance ratio make it a natural choice for many peripheral devices today. Each new generation of PCI Express adds more features, capabilities and bandwidth, which maintains its popularity as a device interconnect. MindShare's books take the hard work out of deciphering the specs, and this one follows that tradition. MindShare's PCI Express Technology book provides a thorough description of the interface with numerous practical examples that illustrate the concepts. Written in a tutorial style, this book is ideal for anyone new to PCI Express. At the same time, its thorough coverage of the details makes it an essential resource for seasoned veterans. 主要内容如下: PCI Express Origins Configuration Space and Access Methods Enumeration Process Packet Types and Fields Transaction Ordering Traffic Classes, Virtual Channels and Arbitration (QoS) Flow Control ACK/NAK Protocol Logical PHY (8b/10b, 128b/130b, Scrambling) Electrical PHY Link Training and Initialization Interrupt Delivery (Legacy, MSI, MSI-X) Error Detection and Reporting Power Management (for both software and hardware) 2.0 and 2.1 Features (such as 5.0GT/s, TLP Hints, and Multi-Casting) 3.0 Features (such as 8.0GT/s, and a new encoding scheme) Considerations for High Speed Signaling (such as Equalization)



  • Feynmann :
    终于有 去掉某力科员工水印的版本了
  • seabeam :
    from some blog page
  • milaner75 :
  • suiyufeng726 :
  • 大陆对长空 :


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