巴塞特 巴塞特是什么 Basset是一个开源的视觉回归测试服务。 Basset使您可以轻松地将可视回归测试集成到您的连续集成中。 由于basket的代码是开源的,因此您可以在提供者上托管服务或在内部运行它。 安装 请访问以获取有关安装和设置的说明。 快照 执照 Basset已获得GNU AGPLv3的许可
Over 90 recipes to help you build and run automated tests for your web applications with Selenium WebDriver About This Book Learn to leverage the power of Selenium WebDriver with simple examples that illustrate real-world problems and their workarounds Explains the testing of mobile applications with Appium for mobile platforms such as iOS and Android A pragmatic manual with engaging recipes and attractive screenshots to test your web applications efficiently Who This Book Is For This book is intended for software quality assurance/testing professionals, software project managers, or software developers with prior experience in using Selenium and Java to test web-based applications. This books also provides examples for C#, Python and Ruby users. What You Will Learn Understand how the locators work and use various locator methods to build reliable tests Build reliable and maintainable tests with the Selenium WebDriver API Use the PageFactory pattern to build a robust and easy to maintain test framework Build data-driven tests and extend Selenium API to implement custom steps and checks Integrate and use ATDD/BDD tools such as Cucumber, SpecFlow, Capybara, and Behave with the Selenium WebDriver API Set up iPhone/iPad and Android simulators and devices to test your mobile web application with Appium Set up Selenium Grid for faster and parallel running of tests, increasing test coverage and reducing test execution time for cross-browser testing Build extended Selenium WebDriver tests for additional coverage In Detail This book is an incremental guide that will help you learn and use the advanced features of the Selenium toolset including the WebDriver API in various situations to build a reliable test automation. You start off by setting up the test development environment and gain tips on the advanced locater strategy and the effective use of the Selenium WebDriver API. After that, the use of design patterns such as data - driven tests and PageFactory are demonstrated. You will then be familiarised with extending Selenium WebDriver API by implementing custom tasks and setting up your own distributed environment to run tests in parallel for cross-browser testing. Finally, we give you some tips on integrating Selenium WebDriver with other popular tools and testing mobile applications. By the end of this book, you will have learned enough to solve complex testing issues on your own. Style and approach This recipe-based guide covers real-life scenarios of testing your web apps with Selenium. Each recipe begins with a short introduction and key concepts along with illustrated examples of use cases, and ends with detailed but informative descriptions of the inner workings of the example. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Getting Started Chapter 2: Finding Elements Chapter 3: Working with Elements Chapter 4: Working with Selenium API Chapter 5: Synchronizing Tests Chapter 6: Working with Alerts, Frames, and Windows Chapter 7: Data-driven Testing Chapter 8: Using the Page Object Model Chapter 9: Extending Selenium Chapter 10: Testing HTML5 Web Applications Chapter 11: Behavior-Driven Development Chapter 12: Integration with Other Tools Chapter 13: Cross-Browser Testing Chapter 14: Testing Applications on Mobile Browsers
2022-03-11 11:24:01 3.7MB Selenium Testing Tools
diffimg 使用 PIL 的直方图获取图像的百分比差异 + 生成差异图像。 图像应具有相同的颜色通道(例如,RGB 与 RGBA)。 如果图像尺寸不同,则在计算差异之前,将调整第二张图像的大小以匹配第一张图像。 安装 现在可以从 PyPi 获得: pip install diffimg 用法 >>> from diffimg import diff >>> diff('mario-circle-cs.png', 'mario-circle-node.png') 0.007319618135968298 默认情况下,diff函数返回原始比率而不是 %。 diff(im1_file, im2_file, delete_diff_file=False, diff_img_file=DIFF_IMG_FILE ignore_alpha=Fa
2021-09-28 11:30:58 3.25MB python image-processing testing-tools diffing
p4pktgen的论文《p4pktgen: Automated Test Case Generation for P4 Programs》中文版
2021-09-02 19:03:05 58KB testing-tools p4
RuntimeUnitTestToolkit(v2) RuntimeUnitTestToolkit是的补充。 Unity Test Runner运行良好,但PlayerRunner(任何目标平台)都非常差。 RuntimeUnitTestToolkit提供Unity测试运行器的CLI(用于在CI上运行)和GUI(用于在任何平台(Windows,Mac,iOS,Android等)上运行)。 您可以编写可在Unity Test Runner上运行的测试,也可以通过RuntimeUnitTestToolkit构建运行时播放器。 选择设置(ScriptBackend- Mono或IL2CPP ,
2021-02-05 09:11:47 65KB unit-testing csharp unity testing-tools
网络飞行模拟器 flightim是一种轻量级实用程序,用于生成恶意网络流量并帮助安全团队评估安全控制和网络可见性。 该工具执行测试以模拟DNS隧道,DGA流量,对已知活动C2目的地的请求以及其他可疑流量模式。 安装 从页面下载适用于您的操作系统的最新flightim二进制文件。 或者,可以在任何环境(例如Linux,MacOS,Windows)中使用构建该实用程序,如下所示: go get -u github.com/alphasoc/flightsim/... 运行网络飞行模拟器 安装后,按以下步骤测试flightim: $ flightsim --help AlphaSOC Netwo
Selenium 测试工具使用方法 本书主要介绍了关于 WebDriver一些主要 API的使用,对于了解一些基础的朋友,有着非常大的帮助,超过 90 个秘籍去建立维护和改进自动化测试
2019-12-21 20:18:34 3.27MB Selenium Java Testing 自动化测试